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No Labels, No Lines! 23rd May, Wagon & Horses, Digbeth.

Saturday 23rd May 2009, 8:00pm - 2:00am, £4.00
Wagon & Horses, Adderley Street, Birmingham
Mayday Mayday Brighton Smash EDO protest

Peter Jolly's Circus Studley Near Redditch
On the Studley car boot site A448the report on the right to protest on radio 4
the report on the right to protest on radio 4only on for another week,

the idiot who runs nectu is there, funny enough does not support use of section 44 on protesters, also the idiot lawyer who is employed by corporates against protesters for crap injunctions which injunct a few names people and then anyone who looks at pieces of paper.
needless to say the coppers do not view environmental protesters as much of a worry but more worrying the the barrister twat who is now openly going after protesters. seems like some should be going after the barrister twat.
have a listen.
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West Midlands Industrial Workers of the World Mayday Celebration

Hereford Heckler #8 out now...
The May issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...Around the Campaigns Thursday 7th May 2009
Stephanie, Desmond, Raphael and Ubaka back in Sheffield26 Million people displaced by violence in 2008
International efforts have failed to reduce the scale of internal displacement caused by conflict. According to Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) report 'Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2008'.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees - April 2009
Seven conflict situations around the world deteriorated and one improved in April 2009, according to the the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch N°69.Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, Fiji, Kenya, Moldova, Nepal, all experienced deteriorating situations
West Midlands IWW benefit gig - David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker

Studley, Peter Jolly's circus
Now at Studley car boot site A448 The Slough, Warwickshire B966EX'March For Jobs' 16th May 2009, National Demonstration organized by UNITE Union

Yambi Kanda Must Stay

Live bands & performers at Veggie Pride UK
Veggie Pride UK will be a fantastic, fun-filled festival and carnival procession. It`s taking place in Victoria Square, in the heart of Birmingham City Centre on Saturday 16 May 2009. It will be the first event of it`s kind anywhere in the UK! See
Reel News film night report back

Strangers into Citizens March 7 Rally 4th May 2009

Time's Up! Read it now for free.

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European Emergency!: on May 6th some of the Europarlamentaries intend to finish

bnp were out in shrewsbury yesterday
went for a days shopping in Shrewsbury only to be confronted in the square with a bnp canvassing table. I had no camera stuff with me to take pics, or there would have been some here, so if your local its worth keeping an eye on this one, to see if their activities can be confronted or disrupted.cheers
Anarchist Hip Hop/Birmingham Indymedia fundraiser - 5th June

Drowning Dog and DJ Malatesta: