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Sumac Centre - October Dates Confirmed

Print off and distribute!
Events include:
Colombian Activists Presentation - Mon 24th Oct
Medical Aid for Cuba Benefit - Sat 22th Oct
G8/No I.D. Benefit - Fri 28th Oct
Saving Iceland Gathering - 28th-30th Oct
Workshops, Gatherings and Meetings! ...
Critical Mass tonight meet up @ 5:30 pm Pigeon Park

Following on from the continued repression of Critical Mass rides in New York since the Republican National Convention, London's Critical Mass is now under threat.
The regular monthly Brum Critical Mass meets up at 5.30pm tonight outside the Cathedral in Pigeon Park
Let's get this show on the road!Photos from Stop The War March September 2005

Veggie Food Extravaganza Comes to Redditch

Birmingham Women 'rescued' by police from massage parlour to be deported
Six of the 10 women 'rescued' by Birmingham police from Cuddles massage parlour last Friday, where they had been held aginst their will and forced into prostitution, are now being held in Yarl's Wood detention centre facing imminent deportation. Please make your opposition to this hypocracy and continued human rights abuse known.Tembak Aja – Just Shoot
The recent bombings in Bali have once again highlighted the inappropriate (disastrous) approach of the ‘us and them’ mentality. There is ‘no love lost’ in divisionism. The Australian Senate, take note! Western analysts fail to understand that Muslims take personally another Muslim’s plight. Race or nationality has little relevance in the context of the unifying familial aspects of Islam. Kill a Palestinian and Muslims in Indonesia, Sudan (everywhere) will feel the loss. Furthermore, many would feel obliged to take positive action to prevent the further loss of Muslim life. However, Muslim fanatics fail to understand a principal tenet of Islam, the brotherhood of all humanity; taking innocent life is strictly forbidden. But we take the simplistic view of the fanatics and Western politicians, the question should be, who benefits from these bombings?West Midlands Anarchists Update
This is an overview of what west midlands anarchists are going to be up to in the coming months after decisions taken at our general meeting on the 2/10/05.(audio) Mindwalk 15: Working Class Hero
Jody Paulson speaks of the Bush supporter who desecrated a memorial in Crawford. A Seymore Hersch edit by excerpted from Democracy Now. John Lennon, Jello Biafra and Eminem inthe mix. Strong language used.. LPFM should air during safe harbor.Activists Clash over Respect candidates' 'Death to Gays' policy
More controversy is set to brew between the Respect Coalition and OutRage!Think you have the right to protest in the UK anymore?

Support all comrades fighting against injustice and imprisoned by the state!
The Nursery Social Centre Birmingham

Here's a very short intro to a longer film about the Nursery Social Centre. Sorry I haven't got round to encoding it with an open source codec yet. If you have any problems playing the film in it's Mp4 format download vlc player - an open source player:

Herefordshire: Sequani vivisection labs Regional Demo report

Whether born/e of passivity or apathy, the world’s populations are tolerating, as never before, gross ineptitude, incompetence and criminality from their governments. Comparisons could be made with infamous regimes of the past that maintained their illegitimate rule by deploying draconian social policies and manipulating information. However, today, information is easily accessed through various sources not controlled by mainstream media or governments yet apathy in the face of deliberate deception and criminal government prevails.After8 - Post-G8 Live Music Weekender in Derby

Saturday 8th October sees a host of Derbys finest rock bands taking to the stage for an evening of diverse music whilst the Sunday 9th October provides a day packed full of Hip Hop talent, including DJs, MCs, Beatboxing, Freestyling, Breaking and Graffitti art.
An After 8 compilation CD featuring all bands involved shall be available throughout the weekend.
For more info and directions check out
Peace and protest
Spectacular Terrorism and the Terror of the Spectacle
“Such a perfect democracy constructs its own inconceivable foe, terrorism. Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results. The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive. The spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic” (Guy Debord, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle).Peace & Liberty March - Video