There will also be various stalls selling a wide variety of cruelty-free goodies including nutritional wallcharts, badges, stationery, books, vegan cosmetics/toiletries, chocolate, clothing and lots more. There will be lots of free literature available, including recipe booklets, magazines, nutritional info, and loads of factsheets/leaflets detailing the many benefits of the veggie/vegan diets - ie it`s far healthier, more environmentally friendly, saves animals, prevents world hunger(only 35 per cent of the world's people can be fed on a meat-based diet. A plant diet could feed everyone) etc. Check out the following links for more info.
Why Vegetarian??

Why Vegan??

Mark Higgins of RVV says, "Anyone who doubts that veggie food is delicious & healthy should come along and try it, we guarantee you won`t be disappointed! With free food & free entry, you can`t go wrong!"
"After the news that junk food is to be banned in schools, we seized the opportunity to write to every school in Redditch. Every pupil, parent, teacher and all kitchen staff have been invited to come along to our fair and sample delicious & healthy veggie food."
"Free food fair`s are becoming increasingly popular across the country, and at each event crowds of meat eaters flock to taste the dazzling delights of nutritious vegetarian & vegan food. Similar events have already taken place this year at Solihull & Coventry, each were packed out from start to finish."
"As well as showing the public that a healthy vegetarian lifestyle is anything but boring, we also hope the food fair will attract new members for our group. Although promoting the many benefits of vegetarian/veganism is our main focus, RVV hope to meet up regularly for social events, meals out, country rambles, outings etc."
If you`re already veggie/vegan and you`d like to help turn Redditch people cruelty-free, there are many ways you can help us on the day - including leafletting outside the venue, serving food, helping to run stalls or even washing up!
For more details, contact Mark Higgins of RVV on 07905 739611 or