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Veolia quits Green Monday event at Birmingham Council House
Representatives of the company Veolia have withdrawn from a business presentation at Birmingham Council House on Monday 21st March 2011 following pressure from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Veolia has been the subject of an international campaign due to its involvement in illegal infrastructure projects in the occupied Palestinian territories. Keith Riley, Managing Director of Technical Services for Veolia had been expected to address a Green Monday event of Corporate Climate Change Leaders.Squatting to be criminalised
It's been coming, it was in their manifesto, but it appears that the tories are now acting on their promise to criminalise squatting. We need to plan for this early, squatting has been destroyed in other countries across Europe recently by swift gov/cop action. But we have the infrastructure to make them regret picking this fight. Time to start planning.New Stroud Against the Cuts Website / Transport for March26th
Stroud Against the Cuts has a new website:
There are several coaches going from the area, leaving at different times and from different places. See the details below:
Irish republicans to hold peace summit with Kurdish and Basque separatists

Sinn Féin activists to meet members of Sortu and Kurdish BDP in Venice to discuss negotiation tactics and dialogue with state Irish republicans will meet Kurdish and Basque separatists at a summit designed to encourage armed movements to adopt political dialogue and put an end to two conflicts that have cost thousands of lives.
Dispatches - Lessons in Hate and Violence - Islam
the very small sign of atrocity of religion ,imagine when these kind of medieval idea rules the societies such as Iran, Pakistan, Somalia ,,etc.
Islamic Schools are gift of God for British culture ;) ,,,

8 March- women in Iran under islamic oppression

David Rovics - West Midlands IWW benefit gig

Are we the next to be labelled a 'Barrier to Enterprise"/
In our new press release "Are we the next to be labelled 'A Barrier to Enterprise' "(PR 101) links the publication of our latest Briefing Note "Energy Policy and the proposed National Planning Policy Framework" (E2) to what the Prime Minister said in Cardiff yesterday to conclude that the outcome predicted in "Energy Policy and the proposed National Planning Policy Framework" that rules governing the approval of opencast mines predicted in E2 is now even more likely.Free Vegan Food Fair in Coventry, Sat 26 March

Where is our solidarity
where is our solidarity to the 300 immigrant hunger strikers in Greece?World Day for Animals in Laboratories, West Mids coach transport

National March & Rally - Saturday April 16th, 2011
Meet 12noon at Whitworth Park, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M15 6ER
Coach transport arranged from the West Midlands, please book seats asap.

West Mids IWW film night and social

Ahead of International Women’s Day...
A film by Vicente Arande - a story of Women Freedomfighters in the Spanish Civil War
UK Census 2011: Why I Will Be Breaking The Law on March 27, 2011

If you live in the England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland then I would also like you to break the law. We can do it together, and I know for a fact that an awful lot of people will be doing the same.
David Rovics - West Midlands IWW benefit gig

Cowardly Cotswold Vale Hunt thugs in Vicious Attack
Members of Bristol, Bath and South Wales Hunt Saboteurs were attacked by members of the Cotswold Vale farmers hunt on Saturday. The latest in a long line of attacks by this vicious, cruel hunt.Protest against anti-Gypsy/Traveller racism
Over the weekend, campaigners from the Gypsy and Travelling communities will hold a two-day demonstration in central London in protest at the racism directed at their communities.Tubu Tribe solidarity appeal

Million Women Rise 2011 International Women's Day March
CELEBRATE 100 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAYJoin The Million Women Rise Movement for an International All Women's March and Rally in Trafalgar Square, Central London
5th March 2011
Because male violence continues, so too does Million Women Rise.