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20-01-2016 13:41

German Nazis last invaded Birmingham between 9 August 1940 and 23 April 1943 with 77 ferocious raids, 1852 tons of bombs dropped on the city including 5,219 high explosive bombs and 48 parachute mines, causing in 2,241 deaths and 3,010 injuries. Under the criminal leadership of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, Germanic Nazism will once again invade Birmingham on Saturday the sixth of February 2016, this time, not dropping bombs of death and destruction, but incendiary packages of pure, unadulterated hatred and fear straight into Birmingham's multicultural communities, under the banner of Pegida UK. Like London and Liverpool, brave Brummies resisted fascism before, and will again, as large swathes of local people joined by antifascists from all over the country link up to oppose the destructive return of national socialism to the city. Besides a large anti-racist demo in the city, militant ANTIFA are set to spring up along the route of Pegida's hate march between Birmingham Airport and the NEC when the invaders are least expecting it. Unity is the key, and just as Oswald Mosley's goosesteps were physically opposed in Liverpool, Manchester and the East End of London, so once again must Tommy "The Tit" Robinson's street incursion be sent packing.
18-01-2016 12:20

The English Democrats have a thing for homophobic ex-boxers, going on at the moment, and aptly named candidate Paul Rimmer from Liverpool, who got thrown out of the party then let back in, umpteen times for his Christian fundamentalism, doesn't uphold his beloved "Christian work ethic", instead spending all of his free time shouting at President Obama across the Atlantic, prattling on with anti-black, ablist, anti-abortion and homophobic remarks, as if Mr President gives a shit about the views of some washed-up fat ex-boxing nazi. A supporter of female neo-Nazi Anne Marie Waters' Sharia Watch and Pegida, Rimmer should leave Liverpool, a city of tolerance out of shame for being such an intolerant dickhead.
15-01-2016 10:51

Not everybody in life acts rationally, however professional racists who spend hours travelling to reach faraway hate rallies have serious personality disorders. To spend your spare time helping people in need, is an admirable way to use up your precious time. To keep friends and family company parked sedately in front of the telly is an understandable part of life for many. Even to languish idly down the pub doing nothing, is okay. Travelling half way across the country just to chant racial abuse at non-white people, is anything but normal. The kind of person who indulges in such pointlessly extreme antisocial behaviour, requires psychiatric help to treat their compulsion. Whilst football hooligans nurtured on an "away day" mentality treated far-flung trips to fight opponents as a sporting endeavour, those committed full-time racists not looking for a fight have no excuse to waste their lives away in the pursuit of unhappiness.
14-01-2016 12:20

A senior Buddhist faith organiser for the Keighley and Burnley areas, "Tyke Strivers" AKA Leo Robinson, is a vile anti-Muslim bigot (and avid fan of David Icke's divisive conspiracy theories), who is helping to campaign locally for Tommy Robinson's Pegida UK Organisation. Managing a local Buddhist meditation retreat where worshippers are unaware of his extremist political leanings, Leo Robinson's twitter account suggests he is planning street-level anti-Muslim campaigning locally in Keighley in the coming months to divisively to help turn community against community, in a town which a grooming gang were recently jailed. UK Buddhists are peace loving people and are on the whole anti-racists, thus Yorkshire's Buddhist communities must be made aware of the extreme hatred of the administrator of the Keighley and Burnley Kadampa Buddhist Centres ( a registered charity). For a United Kingdom faith leader to spread hate and intolerance on social media, and use his public accounts to support Pegida's march in Birmingham, is totally unacceptable. All worshippers locally must be made aware of this hate-preacher in their midst.
12-01-2016 23:05
Brazil: Censorship on the Internet
Brazilian blogger accuses senator of commanding the invasion of his computing systems and of harassment.
11-01-2016 11:42

Tommy "Tit" Robinson like so many demifuhrers on the far right likes to think of himself as a tough guy, but when it comes to a one-to-one fist fight, the convicted wifebeater runs off crying like a baby whenever trouble heads his way. In other words, Tommy is soft as shite. Getting others to do the bidding and yet claiming the credit once the fighting's over, Stephen Yaxley Lennon is the archetypal coward, and always has been ever since his overplayed "hooligan" days. Being a supposed football hooligan has been used to his advantage as a professional moneymaker, cashing in on every commercial opportunity since day one. Even his pseudonym was borrowed without permission from a real football hooligan, the real Tommy Robinson six feet under and unable to express disgust at Lennon's unauthorised misappropriation of his name. As for Luton's firm "Men In Gear", Tommy registered the MIG tag as his own "intellectual property" for the fashion label he self-promoted on his "New Era" Twitter account, rubbing salt in the wounds of genuine hooligans, stealing credit for a street culture he opportunistically latched onto, just to make money.
10-01-2016 10:21

Tommy "The Tit" Robinson has announced the route of Pegida UK's Birmingham goosestep, much to the consternation of their battleweary PegEDL footsoldiers. They will assemble at Birmingham International Airport train station at 2pm onwards, ready to march at 3pm on a splishy, splashy twenty minute monotonous trek along a rain-soaked main road a mile and a half to the NEC, where a boring little car park is awaiting their arrival with baited breath. Forget "muzrats". Let's hope the no-life, loner nazis bring with them their trainspotting cagoules or they will resemble drowned rats wreaking of stale beer and urine. Whilst most armies tend to march on their stomachs, EDLers and Pegidans march on their bladders. Unless the heavier drinkers who got inebriated at BIA's Airport Wetherspoons or Birmingham City Centre from midday are equipped with adult nappies, many will arrive dripping wet at the NEC car park come rain or shine, smelling the worst.
04-01-2016 20:02

URGENT CALL OUT! Daily Express have revealed that Pegida UK are to make a return to Newcastle later this month, January, under the fuhrership of Tommy "The Tit" Robinson. Birmingham is still happening on Saturday February the 5th 2016, however Newcastle will be the very first of Tommeh's Pegida goosesteps. Just as Pegida Birmingham coincides with the UAF conference, their march in Newcastle is expected to coincide with the national ANTIFA call-out in Dover. Tommy is shit scared that antifascists will get the better of him with a much larger turn-out, thus Tommy has decided to hold Pegida demos the same time as other events are happening.
04-01-2016 14:49

ANTIFA ALERT: - It's official - as announced yesterday by the Luton newspaper and at today's neo-Nazi press conference, German far right street thugs Pegida UK led by Tommy "The Tit" Robinson will be joined by UKIP's openly-racist UKIP candidate Anne Marie Waters and his old nazi best buddy Paul Weston. And despite her far right allegiances, which she does not bother hiding, Waters is still UKIP's 2016 Greater London Assembly candidate for UKIP. Unless Farage acts now, and expels her from the party asap, the whole of UKIP are now to be regarded as nothing more than a middle class BNP. Every meeting of UKIPers is now to be viewed as a fascist group meeting and picketed accordingly, in London especially, where they will next march after Birmingham, aware that racist attacks against Muslims have increased tenfold over the last few years, most notably on public transport.
03-01-2016 10:34

#LEADERTOMMY, the Pegida Fuhrer Tommy "The Tit" Robinson has relented from his earlier position, and is now openly reaching out to all fascist orgs including hardcore Hitler-worshipping neo-Nazi groups who he had originally said were not welcome. Such is the nature of his backtrack that American white supremacist organisation "Pioneer Little Europe" have promised to attend, PLE friends with the KKK. Those in the British far right with any semblance of a brain cell have serious cause for concern. The call for "unity" has to be too good to be true for self-proclaimed neo-Nazis, when Tommy has a track record of shopping far right radicals to the police. Still, many full-on fascists are likely to stroll willingly head first into the Pegida mousetrap, eagerly swallowing the bait like the idiots they are.
02-01-2016 14:36

#LEADERTOMMY, Pegida Fuhrer Tommy "The Tit" Robinson has relented from his earlier position, and is now openly reaching out to all fascist orgs including hardcore Hitler-worshipping neo-Nazi groups who he had originally said were not welcome. Such is the nature of his backtrack that American white supremacist organisation "Pioneer Little England" have promised to attend, PLE friends with the KKK. Those in the British far right with any semblance of a brain cell have serious cause for concern. The call for "unity" has to be too good to be true for self-proclaimed neo-Nazis, when Tommy has a track record of shopping far right radicals to the police. Still, many full-on fascists are likely to stroll willingly head first into the Pegida mousetrap, eagerly swallowing the bait like the idiots they are.
29-12-2015 14:09

While in prison, Pegida UK Fuhrer Tommy "The Tit" Robinson ghost-wrote his very own Islamophobic version of Mein Kampf with the assistance of puppeteer Helen "Growler", believing his clueless subordinates of the far right political scene would go "ape shit" for the book. When the sales he hoped for, didn't materialise, Tommy decided to hatch the ultimate plot of betrayal, using Pegidans as cannon-fodder to help the cash flow faster into his bank account. Liable to flog his own granny for drugs coffers, Tommy is plotting to sell out his loyal supporters for a few measly quid, having arranged the infamous Pickfords Plot a few years back, where he set up a van full of numpties before shopping them to the cops. Best of all, the lemmings who worship him are blissfully unaware of his dastardly plot.
20-12-2015 18:26

Convicted wife-beater and fraudster Stephen Yaxley Lennon tweeted that he hopes to rely upon the thugs of the EDL at his forthcoming German neo-nazi demo. Just a few months ago, Pegida UK pretended they would not be taking part, but the truth finally come out. Friends of Tommy also claim former leader Tim Ablitt has also given his backing. Britain First not up to the job, Pegida UK are well aware that the violent pisshead hooligans of the EDL are the only show in town. Ironically, Tommy and Hel Growler helped grass up his Midlands comrades to the OB when a large number of them were jailed for their part in the EDL Birmingham Riot. Cocaine and Stella overdoses don't just rot the brain - they cause short-term memory loss.
The brave heroes of ANTIFA will be taking to the streets in a nationwide call out to ensure the EDL morons are pro-actively chased off the streets of Birmingham.
03-12-2015 12:41

The first full year of Shropshire Badger Group's TB vaccination scheme - offered completely free of charge to local farmers and landowners - has been a big success, but more volunteer manpower and funding are needed.
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12-11-2015 20:01

EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and march through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifascist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.
19-10-2015 17:17

Tonight, the Nottingham fascist march honcho "Paul Warren England" of EDL fame, (until recently, believed to be resident in Australia) is trolling the antifascist counter-protest page, trying to claim he is not racist, just as Matthew Pope of Pegida tried on in the past. He has stupidly challenged anti-racists to come up with anything near an insane racist rant he posted on Facebook. It didn't take long to expose his wibble. On an EDL page, he has posted a particularly paranoid rant about Muslims taking over Britain in 30 years time.
12-10-2015 18:55

A County Limerick, Ireland, based hare coursing club is getting away with an outrageous flouting of planning laws and procedures, and is doing so with the full knowledge of Limerick County Council.
A large complex for the holding, feeding, and “training” of captive hares on a field purchased by Glin Coursing Club for hare coursing purposes has no planning permission, and a letter of enforcement (see attached) was sent by Limerick County Council to the club personnel last year.
15-08-2015 20:57
Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal
government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.