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The Women Chainmakers' Festival 2010

Anarchist Fight Getting Better, say Europol
According to Europol, the european police force, 'anarchist terrorism', whatever that is supposed to mean, is on the you and me, that means things are hotting up......Tory conference to kick off winter of discontent
The demonstrations opposing austerity at the tory conference on october 3rd will, say trade union reps, herald the start of a winter of discontent in the UK as the cuts move beyond government memos and newspaper opinion columns and become a horrendous part of daily life. Unsurprisingly, west midlands police are attempting to stall and limit the scale of action at the demo. It seems the anti-cuts campaign is beginning to spring into life as a mass movement just in time to assert itself in the face of state-sponsored class war and protest repression.To the anarchists ...
This was originally posted on Bristol Indymedia at this address
I wrote this as part of the bristol anarchist/squatter movement. We seem to have a lot of energy and mobilisation going on at the moment over various issues/campaigns. So as austerity has arrived I've become confused about why on earth we've been so distant from the workers' movements. I wrote this as an appeal to people to get stuck in to local anti-cuts campaigns. It's opened up some very interesting debates online and in person, and has seen some interesting (and for me at least, positive) developments at meetings and in campaigning. I didn't write this to tear us apart - just to suggest ways we could improve our 'service'. I know very little of campaigns outside of the southwest so this may be of absolutely no relevance to you. I'm sure it will be relevant to some though, and I'd like to share my thoughts with people nationwide. I've edited it to bring in some stuff I wrote after publishing.
EDL-friendly pub in Nuneaton
"THE CREW" pub in Nuneaton is pro-EDL. Boycott it!New Opencast Applications likely to be less successful ?
This press release highlights the publication of our new Briefing Note which explains why the Minorca Opencast Protest Group believe that a change in Government Energy Policy makes a successful Minorca Surface Mine less likely.Squat / Convergence Space for the Tory Party Conference demos?
Just wondering if there are any squats?We Must Fight The Gentrification Of Our Cities And Defend Our Communities.
Across the country pubs and clubs, gig venues and community centres are being threatened by new developments and residents noise complaints. However ridiculous the idea of someone moving into a flat in a busy area surrounded by pubs and clubs and then complaining about it is in recent years some very well established music venues and bars have been closed for these very reasons. We must ensure the survival of communities and the survival of our community hot spots.Unauthorised March - Tory Party Conference - 3rd October 2010 Birmingham.

No permission, no stewards, no meetings with the filth, just us, working class action!
Meeting place and route to be announced the night of Saturday Oct 2nd.
The Minorca Application - will NWLDC recommend rejection?
Our latest Press Release PR 76 "Protesters again face an uphill challenge to convince Councillors to reject the Minorca Application for a second time" has now been published. This press release outlines the content of a three minute speech Steve Leary will make on behalf of MOPG to the Planning Committee of NWLDC on Tuesday 7th September.National March for Farmed Animals (W. Mids coach transport)

Reinstate our right to march past the Tory Conference
On Tuesday 24th August a delegation from the Right To Work campaign met with WestMidlands police and a representative of Birmingham City Council to discuss the route
of the protest march outside the Tory party conference on Sunday 3rd October.
West Midlands police stated that they were happy for RtW to march past the
conference centre and confirmed that centenary square, the square directly in front
of the conference centre, would not be a “sterile zone”. A route was suggested by
Birmingham City Council and West Midlands police and the delegation accepted the
offer to walk the route being proposed.
The Police have now reneged on the proposed route citing security reasons. They are
denying us the right to march past the conference centre.
Conservative Party Conference Direct Action Bloc - Organise, Disrupt, Resist!

As usual our our interests are being decided by corporations such as RBS, BAES, A|D|S, G4S, ASDA / Wallmart, Tesco and the Tobacco Manufacturers Association to name but a few.
CPC demo - direct action bloc info

Call out for resistance: Stop UK Coal wrecking the Wrekin

English Defence League Dudley meet in Poets Corner pub tonight opposite Hospital
The English Defence League are a racist, Zionist led Islamophobic organisation who have rioted in Dudely, attacked family homes in Dudley scaring children, smashed cars, smashed shops, put a pigs head on a Mosque, staged roof top protests & encouraged a minor from the English Defence Youth member Bodie Holt to stage a roof top protest. They meet tonight in Poets Corner pub in Dudley.Phone Blockade English Defence League coach company Johnsons Coaches

Palestinian Solidarity Benefit Gig