in London
Sat 2nd October 2010
Did you know that in the UK alone, around 1000 million animals are killed for meat, dairy and eggs every year? And, that number does not include the fish that are trawled out of the water in their tonnes. None of this is necessary - we do not need to consume animal products.
On 2nd October, we are going to march in London to make it clear that it is not acceptable to farm animals, and we hope you can join us.
This is the first time there has been a march for farmed animals in London, and we hope that together we can make it a lively day, in solidarity of the millions of animals killed for meat, dairy and eggs, every day. More details www.farmedanimals.org.uk
Transport is being arranged from across the UK. Midlands Vegan Campaigns have hired a coach which will pick up in Redditch, Birmingham & Coventry at the following locations and times:
7.30am Redditch - taxi rank by Shipleys Bingo/Magistrates Court
8.15 Birmingham - Carrs Lane Church Centre, City Centre
9am Coventry - White Street Coach Park (near bus station)
The cost per seat is £15 waged or £8 unwaged. To book seats, please make cheques payable to 'Midlands Vegan Campaigns' and send to the address below:
Midlands Vegan Campaigns, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT.
With your cheque/Postal Order, please include your name, the number of seats your require, your telephone number & where you intend to board the coach.
The coach will have a toilet on board & will also stop at the services on the motorway. The coach is scheduled to start back from London at 5pm.
You can pledge to attend and chat about the event with other potential coach passengers on our Facebook event page

For many more details about the march, rally and why the event is taking place, please see the National March for Farmed Animals website

Also, please note Sat 30 October in your diary, the date of the West Midlands Vegan Festival at the Wolves Civic in Wolverhampton. It's bigger and better than ever before with 80+ stalls, live music all day, cookery demos, a dozen talks, kids activities, fantastic food from top vegan caterers and much, much more!!

Finally, please vote for your favourite vegan restaurant, shop, footwear supplier, campaign group etc in the UK Vegan Awards 2010. Winners will be announced at the West Midlands Vegan Festival. Vote here

Best wishes,
Midlands Vegan Campaigns
For the benefit of animals, people & the planet
MVC, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT
Tel: 01527 458395
