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Stop the Deportation of Iraqi/Kurdish Asylum Seekers

Dear Ms. Malone (UK Sunday Mirror): DENIAL is not just a river in Egypt -- re BB
[Indymedia editors, please retain this format-corrected copy.]The fact that a presumably a formally educated, univerisity degreed, person like Sunday Mirror columnist Carole Malone would deny that Jade Goody's, of Big Brother TV show, tirades against Shilpa Shetty were racist (and why can't Goody's behavior not be judged as nasty and bullying *and* racist), is even more telling about many white Britons than that Goody herself would deny it.
RE: The Sunday Mirror
21 January 2007

You Have to Learn English.. But Sorry, You Can't!
Earlier this week, a campaign was launched by the University and College Union (UCU), the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (Niace), the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (Natecla), the Refugee Council and other concerned bodies to 'lobby the government' to reverse plans to end automatic fee remission on free English classes for asylum seekers. In a briefing paper published on 11 January, 2006, the Refugee Council detailed the real risks associated with limiting the ability of asylum seekers and refugees to learn English. "For refugees, limiting access to English classes will increase the difficulties they already face in building new lives in the UK and finding work," the paper said. Many refugees are unemployed or in jobs which don't use their skills and experience, and refugee communities are among the poorest in the country.
Ironically, in 2001 ESOL became part of the government's Skills for Life programme, sitting alongside literacy and numeracy. Since 1 November 2005, when the Life in the United Kingdom Test was introduced, all refugees applying for citizenship have to pass that test, of which language is a crucial part, before they are 'naturalised'. There has also been a lot of fuss lately about the amount of money spent on translation and interpretation, and such changes will obviously increase the need for translation and interpretation in public services (unless the next move by the government is to ban asylum seekers and refugees from these services!).
Ex Royal Engineer commando being Made homeless

He has started a one mans campaign walking the streets of Coventry
highlighting evictions without access to legal representation
Families in Immigration Detention - November 2006
Freedom of Information Act 2000. NCADC asked: In November 2006 how many families were in Immigration Detention in Dungavel, Tinsley House and Yarl's Wood? How many adultsand how many children?
Self-harm in Immigration Detention - November 2006
Freedom of Information Act 2000. NCADC asked for figures on self-harm in immigration detention for November 2006 under the following headings: 1) Number of individuals on formal self-harm at risk; 2) Number on incidents of self-harm requiring medical treatment; 3) Number of deaths if any.The Locus Of Responsibility: Media Alert's Exchanges with the BBC and C4
Consider this recent exchange with Paul Adams, BBC News 24's Chief Diplomatic Correspondent:Dear Paul,
Your online piece today is curious [1]. You write:
"Tony Blair insists Britain must continue to show its willingness to launch military interventions for humanitarian purposes after he leaves office."
Why do you take at face value Tony Blair's argument that military interventions are "for humanitarian purposes"? Why did you not write, instead:
" launch military interventions for what he calls 'humanitarian purposes'..."?
Further details and pictures - PIPELINE PROTEST

A More Fortress Europe
European Union changes in security, police and immigration cooperative efforts16 January 2007
Top law enforcement officials of the European Union announced this week efforts to give police across the entire bloc access to national databases containing fingerprints, DNA samples, other biometric data and license plate information.

Home Office Still Planning to Deport More People to Unsafe Iraqi Kurdistan
Since Monday 8 January the Home Office has again begun arresting rejected Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers in Manchester, Birmingham and Doncaster, presumably with a view to forcibly removing them to Northern Iraq. This is in the week that UNHCR warned that Iraq cannot deal with the number of displaced persons it already has[1], that Tony Blair says Britain has to keep fighting wars, and George Bush announces that he intends to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.Full Story | 3 additions | 1 comment >>
New Wave of Arrests Against Iraqi Kurds
A number of Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers have been detained across the UK this month. No removal dates seemed to have been set as yet.Chief Inspector of Prisons publishes reports on immigration short-term prisons
Today Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, publishes reports of unannounced inspections on four immigration short-term holding facilities (STHF) at Colnbrook near Heathrow Airport, Reliance House and John Lennon Airport, Liverpool and Sandford House, Solihull.Below are quotes and extracts NCADC has taken from the reports.
Birmingham Climate Action Camp Mtg Wed 17th
Its official: Climate Camp 2007 is going to happen!The national Climate Action Camp gathering in Leeds this weekend - attended by over 60 people - set the dates of the camp for 14th - 21st August.
If you only read the US press, you must be very confused about Venezuela
If you only read the US press, you must be very confused about Venezuela. The extreme levels of distortion, lack of fact checking and source verification and outright manipulation of information in the US media on Venezuela is quite troubling and dangerous in a nation that has waged wars based on false data and misleading policies.Asylum Business: Private Sector Fund Recipients
Immigration Minister Liam Byrne was recently asked in a Parliamentary Answers about private sector businesses involved with immigration and asylum that receive funds from the government. Here's what he revealed. on Tunstall Northern Bypass
Birse Civils Limited have started to set up a compound in Scotia Valley, Tunstall, Stoke on TrentTackle the Shackles, Close Guantanamo

Some 70-80 people gathered today in Perry Barr, Birmingham, in front of Hiatt, a UK company that makes shackles and other torture equipment, to 'celebrate' the 5th anniversary of the notorious US-run prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where 10 British residents and 400 other prisoners are held illegally. The protest was part of a UK-wide day of action and was called by Reprieve (a UK charity that legally represents the British residents held in Guantanamo), Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign, Save Omar Campaign and Amnesty International. Hiatt manufacture the shackles used by the US military in Guantánamo Bay over the last 5 years. The company has never missed a business opportunity in over 200 years, from supplying "nigger collars" to the slave trade to shackles used during torture by various unsavoury regimes (see press release).
Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments >>
Jan 11: Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’
Guantanamo Bay 5th Anniversary 'Celebrations’
Why has Birmingham's HIATT corporation supplied the shackles used during the abuse of 10 British residents and 400 other prisoners in Guantanamo Bay?
Local Shorts Screening of Malcolm X in Smethwick

There will be a showing of Steve Page's Malcolm X: the story of when Malcolm X came to Smethwick, as well as a Smorgasbord of other short films.
Our special guest this month is Louis Campbell, musician, performance poet and film maker.
Local Shorts Film Club, Library Theatre Birmingham
6.00 networking/drinking
7.00 ish films
The event is FREE!