1. Take basic steps to help you and your supporters to be in the best position to get legal representation in the event you are detained ;

2. Consider establishing your own anti-deportation campaign. You can down-load NCADC's 30-page guidebook here ;

3. Inform the Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq (see contact details below) of any Iraqis who have been detained.
4. Check with your solicitor if there have been any changes in circumstances or Home Office policy that could help in your case. Please note that NCADC does not have any immigration solicitors or special recourse to any. If you do not have an immigration solicitor, you can try and find one here ;

5. Review the below documents and check if there are any points that could be relevant to your case (in which case, contact an immigration solicitor) ...
UNHCR Return Advisory and Position on International Protection Needs of Iraqis outside Iraq (18 December 2006)

Home Office Operational Guidance Note on Iraq, 12th January 2006