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For the boycott of employment tribunals
This is a call for the boycott of employment tibunals which are not defending workers rights but still colluding with a government living at the feet of the gloomy shadow of a now-gone-forever Thatcher.End this injustice - third attempt to remove Anselme Noumbiwa!

new social centre under threat of illegal & possibly violent eviction tomorrow
This is to inform everyone as well as a callout for support - newly occupied community and arts centre in Worcester threatened with illegal and possibly violent eviction tomorrow.The truth about the Bulgarian Government
This is a song made my the Sofia student underground movement. All the songs that we have made has been baned from Tv, Radio and is not allowed to be sold in any music stores. This is the type of Democracy that we have in our country...The Power of Community in Birmingham - Film screening and discussions
Transition City Birmingham will hold two events in the next few weeks, to raise the issues of how our communities can respond sustainable and democratically to the threats of peak oil and climate change.World Anti Mcdonalds Day

Around the Campaigns Monday 20th October 2008

She was removed last Thursday to Uganda, there was a problem at the airport in Entebbe because she is a Rwandan citizen and the authorities at the airport wanted to return her to the UK because she had no documents entitling her to be in Uganda. Jane Mary was very tired and had a headache throughout her flight, and so mentioned to the authorities that all her children are in Uganda and she was allowed into the country after some discussions. She was also asked why she had been sent back from the UK but apparently one of her escorts told them that her visa had expired and as she is unwell she wanted to go home. At the moment she is safe and well.
Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi, thank all those who fought to keep Jane Mary in the UK

Heckler & Koch Campaign Benefit Gig

Festival for World Vegan Day - Sat 1st Nov

At the West Midlands Vegan Festival, there`ll be a feast of food, 55 stalls, 3 cookery demos, 12 talks, live music, magic show, a yoga workshop, speed meeting session, tons of FREE stuff, awards, raffles, competitions and much, much more...!!

Abdi Ahmed: "England is the only place I can call home"

Jane Mary Mutetsi Detained again / second attempt to remove

Around the Campaigns Monday 13th October 2008
Mustafa Abdulrahim MustafaOnline campaign to prevent the removal of Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK

Background: Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham

Private research? - No thanks. Smash Berlusconi government
Research in universities across the globe is becoming more and more privatised.This must be stopped NOW!
NO to Elite Research
COBAS UK support the initive of Rifondazione Comunista to say NO to elite research.Holocaust Survivor Speaks up for Palestine in Shrewsbury on 14 October

Heckler & Koch Campaign Benefit Gig
Saturday 25th October, Light House, Wolverhampton, 4pm - 4am.This event is a not for profit event. All money raised will be donated to the Heckler & Koch Campaign. They are attempting to shut down the UK Headquarters of Heckler & Koch in Nottingham:

West Mids Palestine Solidarity Campaign NAKBA COMMEMORATION

This year, 2008, is the 60th anniversary of what the Palestinians refer to as the Nakba (i.e. the catastrophe) also known as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. We are commemorating this event on Saturday with an event to highlight the situation of Palestinian refugees and to win support for their right to return.
We will have a tent with displays of photographs, maps and cultural items. We will be leafleting and collecting signatures for a petition. Do come to see us during the day to talk about Palestine and discuss how we can pursue an effective campaign to support the rights of the Palestinian people.
Christian Rodrigue Mbianga / Captured Again

East Midlands NO2ID regional meeting.
A public meeting with Phil Booth, National Coordinator, and Matty Mitford, Local Groups Coordinator from NO2ID.Everyone is welcome, newcomer or not, curious or committed. Help stop the rise of the database state.