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03-04-2013 13:49
LAON's latest Press Release provides an update on the Growth and Infrastructure Bill Clause 24 plus progress on the Halton Lea Gate Judicial Review. In addition news that a Health Impact Assessment process is to be used to assess the health aspects of the Deanfield Surface Mine Application near Sharston, Wakefield.
02-04-2013 14:14
This review highlights recent developments affecting new opencast site applications in England. it includes news that the first Health Impact Assessment for a new opencast site in England for 4 years is underway in Wakefield for the Deanfield Site. The Judicial Appeal over the Halton Lea Gate decision makes progress and coal extraction by surface methods could return to Walsall as part of the process of reclaiming and remediating the Phoenix 10 / IMI Coppper Works site.
31-03-2013 22:35

When the police kill someone in their custody, they can use the vast resources at their disposal to create a smoke screen. In the UK, no police officers have ever been held fully responsible for even one of the hundreds of deaths they have caused.
31-03-2013 22:29

When the police kill someone in their custody, they can use the vast resources at their disposal to create a smoke screen. In the UK, no police officers have ever been held fully responsible for even one of the hundreds of deaths they have caused.
26-03-2013 19:05

The core of our proposal is the idea of adding value to agricultural production by conjugation with that of agro-industrial and industrial production, in order to increase farmers' income, the collection of taxes and return on investment of the national state, "deflating" major brazilian centers of all a well-known and extremely costly problem, from the perspective not only of public finances, but also from an emotional and humanitarian angle.
26-03-2013 17:17

UK Coal (Coalfield Resources) want to open cast Great oak – aka Diglake Colliery. This site is where the January 1895 Flooding Disaster killed 77 men and boys and is close to the villages of Audley, Bignall End, Red Street and Crackley.
Some 72 bodies are still in the old workings over which UK Coal want to open cast mine.
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16-03-2013 13:52

The attack killed more than 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians;
During this Attack more than 100 communards of Kurdish- Left Group [ Komala ] got trapped and killed by Iran’s regime.
07-03-2013 13:28

The Vale of Evesham Vegan Fair on Saturday 23rd March is expected to attract hundreds of local residents and people from across the region. With lots of delicious FREE food, 20 stalls, talks and cookery demos, this is the biggest vegan event ever staged in Worcestershire!!
At Evesham Town Hall, 10.30am - 4pm. FREE admission, all welcome!
05-03-2013 11:58

Friday, 15 March 2013, 13:00. Wear Black
Police Headquarters Lloyd House
05-03-2013 11:44

Calling all residents of Birmingham for a city wide anti-cuts conference.
4pm – 6pm
Saturday 16th March
01-03-2013 00:18

On Wednesday 27th February the ICC in Birmingham hosted the National Farmers Union Conference. The National Farmers Union is a lobbyist group for large agricultural corporations with aims that benefit them, rather than that of animal welfare and independent farmers. They have strong political ties. Outside around 60 hunt saboteurs and animal rights activists protested against this group which is a collection of individuals and corporations most responsible for lobbying for the up coming Badger Cull and is also the body who will be carrying out the cull.
28-02-2013 22:23

The richest are taking huge tax breaks while we are hit by £101million of cuts to public services, facing the bedroom tax, our schools are being turned into academies, waste collection is drying up, and youth and social services are being closed.
On Tuesday Birmingham Councillors met to vote through the cuts for this year, without any mandate. They went against Birmingham's millions to serve Birmingham's millionaires, but the people of Birmingham weren't going to let them get away with it...
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28-02-2013 18:31

On Tuesday 26th February Save Birmingham protesters blockaded the Council House in an attempt to stop Councillors from entering the Council House to vote through £100m worth of cuts for the year ahead.
26-02-2013 15:16

Activists from across Birmingham have been blockading all entrances to the Council House since 11am, trying to physically prevent Councillors from entering for the budget meeting, where the cuts will be undemocratically voted through. Not surprisingly, most Councillors were not willing to engage with them in debate. The police have helped push the cuts through by forcibly attempting to break up the blockade and escorting the Councillors to the art museum entrance, which is linked to the Council House. Activists attempted to blockade these alternative entrances, but the police kept finding new ways to get Councillors inside. One activist managed to find a way inside the Council House during the meeting, and heckled Albert Bore before being carried out by security.
26-02-2013 09:29

Early this morning before the Council House opened and hours before the publicly announced blockade at 11am, protesters barricaded the Council House main entrances.
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25-02-2013 19:06

Produced at millions of copies, costing pennies each, distributed throughout the country by the Brazilian Film Company and commercialized by legions of heroic fighters of the streets called Street Vendors, these copies are the biggest deterrent to piracy, will enhance the income and dignity of this micro-marketers, will take the national cinema to innumerable Brazilians and to other people, and, sold at popular prices, will make billionaire the Brazilian Film Industry and turn it in a sector able to fulfill its strategic role of consolidating a democratic
and plural national identity and of compromising our population with a well-argued and well-supported national project.
24-02-2013 21:24

On 26th February Birmingham City Council meet to vote on the 2013/4 budget, with £102m of cuts. There will be a day of action to protest the planned cuts, following on from the council house balcony occupation.
12:30-1:30 Picket of the council house
2pm Budget meeting starts
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24-02-2013 21:11

Wednesday 27th February 9:30 outside the ICC, Birmingham