4pm – 6pm
Saturday 16th March
Not only must we fight these cuts on the ground service by service over the next year with a view to defeat them, but we must also organise across the city on other issues. The bedroom tax will soon be hitting families hard. Poll tax unions and non-payment campaigns in the 1990s helped derail the poll tax – something similar could be organised now.
Over the last year determined local campaigns have stopped cuts that appeared to be a foregone conclusion. West-Heath school was stopped from becoming an academy. The Charles House Respite Centre for disabled children was saved. The Merrishaw Nursery was re-opened. There is no reason why this cannot be done again and more successfully this next year.
Since the last cross-Birmingham meeting on January 16th, campaigns have been springing up in a number of wards across the city. They have successfully taken over the political agenda on several occasions. Citizens have joined together in occupying the council house on the day when the Labour group agreed to vote through the cuts, seizing the headlines for a day.
East Birmingham Against the Cuts has formed and started holding events & stalls [join their group here, also please add East Birmingham contacts

Communities Against the Cuts operating in South-West Birmingham has been holding ever bigger meetings and its Facebook group has doubled in size [join here

New contacts from West and North Birmingham have expressed interest in forming new groups.
At this meeting we aim to continue building a cross-city structure that facilitates a collaboration between groups and districts, and enables a network of strong, fighting campaigns.
We want this meeting to be well-organised, structured and productive. As such we are asking that motions and proposals are submitted to the conference three days in advance of the meeting.
Meeting agenda to be released shortly.