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Gears not Fears!

Muslim Graves Destroyed by Black Vandalists

In what seems to be a continuation of last month's violent events in Lozells, Birmingham, between 35 and 45 Muslim grave stones have been smashed and pushed over in nearby Handsworth Cemetery.
Call for International Solidarity Actions Against the Narmada Dam 23rd-27th Nov
Call for International Solidarity Actions: 23-27th Nov. 2005Celebrating 20 years of Resistance
Against the Narmada Dam!
CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

Twinning with Palestine
The need for students to actively twin and build other friendship links with PalestiniansAnarchist Bookfair October 2005
What happened at the Anarchist Bookfair ? Why was David Shayler allowed to speak?Halloween Critical Mass: Friday Nov 4th 6pm @ Pigeon Park

This Friday, November 4th is time for Birmingham's regular Critical Mass on the first friday of the month, meeting up at 6pm in Pigeon Park. This month is a Halloween theme - gears not fears - so come and celebrate cycling using non-polluting vehicles and travel freely round town with Brum's Critical Mass.
Petition to the Birmingham Council Meeting Nov 1st 2005
A group of concerned and affected citizens of Birmingham met on Monday the 24th October 2005, to discuss the events of the prior weekend where at least two people lost their lives, many were injured, several seriously and residents and traders' properties were damaged or destroyed, some of which still remain vulnerable to future damage or destruction. All this occurred in response to the alleged rape of a young woman. The meeting started with a minute's silence for those who lost their lives in the weekend's events.The Peace & Unity initiative: Birmingham Unity Posters

Please support this peace and unity initiative by printing the attached posters and displaying them in your local community/youth centres, shops, on the streets and forwarding them onto your email lists
We thank you for your co-operation in these difficult times.
Killing Each Other
I was reminded this week at a film showing of ‘Handsworth Songs’ by a colleague, ‘Oppressed people internalize their oppressor’s contempt for them, acting on it first by killing each other,’ quoting Franz Fanon. Immigrant communities have always felt segregations amongst each other since their arrival into the ghettos of major European cities. Whether it is the streets of Birmingham or Paris, the children of immigrants feel unrepresented, isolated and generally ignored by mainstream society. They are often dealing with poverty, unemployment and racism.Drop Beats not Bombs 6 is coming: December 3rd 6am - 6pm

Fascists and Agitators Try To Turn Up The Heat in Lozells

Brum Food not Bombs serving this Saturday in the City Centre

We would also like to encourage people to bring along some vegan food for everyone to share too. If you need some culinary inspiration check out these great vegan recipies and FnB's food logistics

Stop the deportation of the Rahimi family: Candlelight Vigil Friday Nov 4th
Stop the deportation of the Rahimi familyCandlelight Vigil
Friday 4th November
3.00pm - 4.30pm
Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour Catholic Church
Cannock Road