15 people hit the roads today on a sucsessful Critical Mass.
The event was themed on Haloween with ghoulish masks, day glow capes and a great tasting Pumpkin soup provided by Food not bombs -

Everyone was extremely enthusiastic and up for reclaiming the streets. There was even a unicyclist, good diversity of transport!
We started at Pigeon park (St.Stephens cathedral) and ended up in digbeth, the route was decided there and then by the group. At one point we all took up 3 lanes of leebank middleway.
There were many leaflets given around, it sparked enough attention that even a motorist was interested in joining us next month.
We all found the whole event empowering to be able to cycle freely on the road without fear. We were able to cycle leisurely and chat to each other.
Hopefully we can see more people next month (2nd December) There are plans to get a sound system on the go so feel free to come and share your music!
If your new to Critical mass check out the website:
www.critical-mass.org or subscribe to Brum CM at
