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NPC MASS Rally For Decent Pay, Decent Pensions, Decent Public Services

Hereford Heckler #10 out now...
The October/November issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...The five trillion that the "debt" has swallowed
Look, five trillion reais equals 35 times the total sales of Brazilian automobile industry in 2008, with exports, including to this also results for the agricultural machinery.REEL NEWS BENEFIT:Day of the Dead Samhain Celebration

Reel News Benefit Night - "Festival of the Dead"

Local human rights activists fly in top band for fundraiser

PUBLIC MEETING -sat 17 october, 6pm, Queen mary university, room 210, Laws build
These prison camps must be shut down and all internally displaced persons (IDPs) must be freed immediately.Speakers include:
peter Taaffe general secretary of the Socialist Party, has campaigned and written about the struggle of workers and the poor in Sri Lanka for many years, and has visited Tamil areas in Sri Lanka.
Janani paramsothy organiser of protests in Parliament Square
Nagarjunan (ramesh Gopalakrishnan) South asia researcher for amnesty international and well-known Tamil writer.
Senan international coordinator for Tamil Solidarity
Crowds Set to Flock to Vegan Extravaganza in Wolves

**VICTORY** Madeleine Ann removes all fur from shop!
Madeleine Ann removes all fur from shop!1 day 2 victories!
Solihull Now Fur Free
Stratford only a few to go!
Supporting the Striking Postal Workers
A brief article on the Postal Workers StrikeUK government condemns British mining company Vedanta
In an unprecedented attack on a major British company, the government ruled that Vedanta, ‘did not respect the rights of the Dongria Kondh’; ‘did not consider the impact of the construction of the mine on the [tribe’s] rights’; and ‘failed to put in place an adequate and timely consultation mechanism’. Devastatingly, it concluded, ‘A change in the company’s behaviour’ is ‘essential’.West Midlands Vegan Festival - Sat 24 Oct

At the West Midlands Vegan Festival in Wolverhampton, there`ll be a feast of food, 50+ stalls, 4 cookery demos, 12 talks, live music, performance poetry, magic show, a yoga workshop, tons of FREE stuff, raffles, competitions and much, much more...!! All this for just £1 admission!

Massive yes vote smacks down Royal Mail
What a great result! A massive majority of 76.24%. Royal Mail’s feeble appeals to the membership have fallen flat on their face.Lula rethinks his succession

UK artists stand together to fight injustice against students

No annual custody deaths rally this year!

The Angola 3: Black Panther Political Prisoners in the US
We are working to publicise news and information about political prisoners Robert King, Albert Woodfox, and Herman Wallace, the Angola 3.We have created new websites at You Tube, Live Journal, Care2, Twitter, Facebook, and My Space, where we are compiling a variety of media projects about the story of the Angola 3 .