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Caterpillar plant shut down in Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury, Northwest of Birmingham, 3:12 pm12-14 protesters have shut down the Caterpillar plant in Shrewsbury on the first anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death. Plant management have closed the plant completely by triggering the fire alarm. Police, fire engines and a helicopter are on the scene. The protesters walked in calmly through the front gate, and occupied parts of the plant. At least 2 locked themselves onto factory fixtures using bicycle locks, one to the central power controls for the factory.
Caterpillar Targeted in Memory of Rachel Corrie
To honour Rachel Corrie, the US activist crushed to death by a D9 Caterpillar-made Israeli military bulldozer a year ago today, protesters intend to occupy Caterpillar Defence Industries in Shrewsbury, leaflet and dialogue with workers on the impact of their work, and grind production lines to a halt for a 3 minute silence in honour of Rachel’s life and the 2,859 Palestinians killed by the Israeli occupation since the 28th of September 2000.Full Story | 1 addition | 49 comments >>
Santa Parade, Buy Nothing Day, Birmingham

Yesterday morning the Dutch consulate in Birmingham was occupied for 5 hours by Dutch and English activists, because of eviction of a squatted community centre in Utrecht, Holland.Protest and Orange Overalls action @ Blairs visit to the CBI in Birmingham

Protest Blair at the CBI in Birmingham monday
Free Trade Announcement in Birmingham this Tuesday
Saw this in the Guardian.Inspection teams move in on Birmingham University

DSEi warm-up: Caterkillar HQ protest

Birmingham anti-war socialists purged by SWP
What should the Left do about the growing democratic deficit in the movement? How do we challenge abuse of power? One of the healthiest anti-war groups in the country was recently wrecked by the Socialist Workers Party who packed out key Birmingham meetings with its party members and purged a raft of well-respected activists.They tell their story on their website.
dsei exhibitors in west midlands
names/addresses/faxes/tel/emails/websites etc of the merchants of death in the west mids areaRoof Top Protest at Smiths Aerospace - West Midlands
At this very moment a number of activists are staging a roof top protest at the Smiths Aerospace factory in the West Midlands. The activists are protesting about the company’s production of electronics for the military industry.Report: Purge Of Activists In Birmingham
Here's the definitive DVD edition of *that* SA meeting in BhamRefugee Week in Birmingham
Celebrating Sanctuary in Birmingham announces two events in Birmingham this weekend to help raise funds to support destitute asylum seekers.West Midlands Anarchists Press Release
Press releasing to reassure others that we have expelled a certain member who has been acting in a way which could have damaged our relationship with other groups.GM Nation. Birmingham 'debate'
We've just got back from the Birmingham debate(3rd June NEC) - here are some of our observations....
Midlands G M Trial destroyed at 12th hour

Pebble Mill, Birmingham, 2.4.03
Yesterday's protest against the BBC's coverage of the Iraq war was unfortunately subverted by certain unruly elements.Really Big Blockade Coach from West Midlands
There will be a coach running from Birmingham to the Really Big Blockade at Faslane which is on April 22nd. This will be the biggest direct action against nukes for a generation, in this country. Please book your place now if you want transport from the west midlands.Demonstrate at BBC Pebble Mill, Birmingham!!!
See NO depleted uranium rockets blasting Iraq!Hear NO screams of civilians being killed by British soldiers!
Report NO atrocities by Anglo-AmeriKKKan forces!