We feel that the personal views expressed by Gary have had a damaging effect on our group. We would like to stress that views previously expressed by him are NOT shared within West Midlands Anarchists.
The action we have taken relates to the fact that he has continued to use our name whilst making his personal remarks and attacks regarding George Bush and the war in Iraq for which he claimed to support, his attacks on women, arabs and Palestine. These comments were made without our knowledge and do NOT represent the core values of our group.
As a group we aim to build effective anarchist struggles within working class communities, nationally and internationally.
We look forward to working productively with other anarchist/autonomous groups, and would hope that those knowing of the situation that has been apparent for sometime would support us in the decision we have made.
We would also like to state that John Barnabas who has been spreading misinformation throughout the country regarding our supposed inactivity and claiming to 'lead' the group in our struggles, is NOT and has never been a active member in WMA, and due to his politics will never be compatible with the group.
Finally we would like to reasure everyone that Dave Gardner has had NO involvement in WMA and never will , especially as the rumours of his involvment with special branch and the national front remain unresolved.
If you would like to comment on this statement you can contact us by using the address below which can also be found at our website

Thank you to all individuals and groups who continue to support us in our struggles locally and otherwise. We would like to express our solidarity with those who have been and continue to be there for us as individuals and as a group, and feel very dissapointed that the actions of one member could have resulted in all links and connections with other anarchist networks that we have worked so hard to form, to be ruined.
With respect, love and rage,
West Midlands Anarchists

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