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Palestine Solidarity stall in Birmingham city centre

Cradley Heath's Women Chainmakers Strike: We all still have nothing to lose

Yesterday, Fellow Workers of the West Midlands Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) erected a series of twenty placards along Cradley Heath's High Street commemorating Cradley's proud history of working class resistance. Nearly a century ago the Women Chainmakers of Cradley Heath in the Black Country agitated and went on strike to gain better pay and working conditions. With the advent of a new Tescos superstore being built the placards also questioned the interests of big business versus those of the community.
Below is the text of a leaflet which is being distributed at the Women Chainmaker's Festival on Saturday, which amongst other things asks what lessons have we learnt in the 21st Century and whether things really have changed for the better.
Postal workers wildcat in Burslem

Disabled man made homeless by Birmingham City Council: action on Monday
New campaign group formed to protest against disgusting and inhumane treatment of disabled people in housing need by Birmingham City CouncilMori will be in town to hold a "drug chat"
I think we should all leave our comments for Jacqui Smith , she wants our opinion .Nearly 30 Months of Neglect: Sparkbrook Social Centre Remains Abandoned
The Cottage of Content social house at 147 Kyrwicks Lane, Sparkbrook has had a turbulent past two years. Following an eviction, criminal damage, an occupation and attempted restoration, followed by another eviction, the building continues to rot on the corner of Montpellier Street, with Birmingham City Council seemingly oblivious to its presence or its potential.Home Office deports Iraqi Kurds back to war and cholera
The UK government is currently arresting and detaining Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers.The UK Government has forcibly deported 89 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers on 4
different occasions over the last 3 years. The first 3 forcible deportations were
carried out by military aircraft from Brize Norton, a military airbase near Oxford.
The last deportation was by a so-called humanitarian plane from London on 5
September 2007. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees however fears more
deportations are planned back to Iraqi Kurdistan, given the increasing numbers of
Iraqi Kurds being arrested and held in detention centers all over the UK.
The neo-nazi Celtic cross is flying at Keele university
About a month ago this neo-nazi flag
was seen at Keele in Horwood Halls.
Benefit concert for the Industrial Workers of the World

£4 entrance £2 Union concessions. Doors open at 7:30pm
Zimbabwean women behind the wire go on hunger strike
Five female detainees from Zimbabwe in Yarl's Wood detention centre have gone on hunger strike yesterday (Monday, 10 September). They are demanding to be released from detention.Full Story | 1 addition | 6 comments >>
Detention Profiteers
The UK has Europe's most privatised criminal justice system. It is second only to the United States in terms of the number of private prisons, which currently hold around 10% of the prisoner population. In addition to private prisons, the country has privately operated 'secure training centres' for young offenders, prisoner escort services, electronic monitoring programmes, a wide range of non-custodial services in publicly run prisons, as well as privately financed, built and operated court complexes, police complexes and probation hostels. In short, the UK currently represents the second-largest private prison market in the world. And immigration prisons are no exception.. except that they are not called prisons any more.
Britain's Detention Estate
Thousands of refugees and migrants are locked up in special prisons, disguised under various names, for committing the 'crime' of fleeing wars or persecution or wanting to improve their lives. Without trial and with no automatic bail review, they can face months and years of incarceration before being forcibly deported to unsafe countries. Detention has become an integral part of the UK immigration system and is certainly one of its most brutal and dehumanising aspects, whereby innocent and vulnerable people are interned in prison for political ends.
FoE members vote for more honesty regarding meat/dairy devastation
At the annual Friends of the Earth conference, local group members have voted strongly in favour of a motion drafted by Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans! The motion called for FoE to publish detailed information regarding the massive environmental impact of meat/dairy production, therefore allowing the general public to make an informed choice about their diet.Birmingham International Airport: A 'greenwash' on climate change?
Original analysis that questions some of the climate science behind Birmingham International Airport's claim to 'sustainability', ahead of the forthcoming release of its 'master plan' that will outline the airports strategy for expansion.'Anarchy' in Piccadilly

Protest at Selly Oak Campus of the University of Birmingham
Trade-union members in Birmingham, at 1 p.m. on Monday, September 10th, will protest in support of strikers at the University of Minnesota in the U.S. This will be a gesture of global solidarity in a difficult strike!UK Bangladeshis robbed via 'First Solution' still haven't got their money!
We are continuing to the put these Open Questions to Bethnal Green and Bow MP George Galloway because it was his involvement [including his speech on the subject in the House of Commons on 18 July 2007] 'to help the victims' that was used by a number of elements to implement their diversion away from the shoulders of the perpetrators.We are also doing so because we have not had any response from the offices of G Galloway or answers from anyone that has been claimed by the 'Respect' 'coalition ' to be 'campaigning for the victims'
Together We Are: Event in remembrance of Mikey Powell and support of Tony Ford
Press release - 5 September 2007Together We Are: Event in remembrance of Mikey Powell and support of Tony Egbuna Ford
4WardEver, in conjunction with the Mikey Powell Campaign and Indymedia Birmingham, are staging an eventful night on September 7th at the Rainbow, Digbeth, Birmingham to mark the fourth anniversary of Mikey Powell's death.
Vegan Evening at the Warehouse Cafe
An evening of veganism at the Warehouse Cafe on Tues 2 October - includes vegan talk, vegan cookery demo and vegan buffet.Leafleting in Soli-hell