The UK Government has forcibly deported 89 Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers on 4
different occasions over the last 3 years. The first 3 forcible deportations were
carried out by military aircraft from Brize Norton, a military airbase near Oxford.
The last deportation was by a so-called humanitarian plane from London on 5
September 2007. The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees however fears more
deportations are planned back to Iraqi Kurdistan, given the increasing numbers of
Iraqi Kurds being arrested and held in detention centers all over the UK.
not be happening at a worse time with the recent cholera outbreak affecting
Sulaimaniya, Arbil and Kirkuk, in which more than 2000 people have been infected so
far. The International Federation of Refugees continues to contest the idea that
Northern Kurdistan is a safe place to return Iraqi asylum seekers. The situation in
Kurdistan may be relatively more stable compared to other parts of Iraq, but Iraqi
Kurdistan is not an independent state and continues to be subject to the outcomes of
the policies of the US and occupying forces whilst the Iraq war continues. The two
ruling parties in Kurdistan, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) are authoritative and undemocratic. Many people are
unemployed in Kurdistan and public services are very poor. The Kurdish authorities
continue to persecute human rights campaigners and journalists. Terrorist groups
and Islamic parties are intimidating Kurdish people on a daily basis. Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch and US State Departments reports all indicate
violations of human rights in Iraqi Kurdistan. The KDP and PUK are not able to
protect Kurdish people and provide public services and utilities. All of the
factors above lead to the continuing flow of refugees leaving Iraqi Kurdistan.
The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees asks all human rights and refugee
rights Organizations and Trade Union Branches to send letters to the Home Office
condemning the UK’s Government’s continuing policy of deporting Iraqi refugees back
to Kurdistan. Please send a copy of all letters sent to International Federation of
Iraqi Refugees.
Fax Number of UK Home office:(00442070354745)
Please see below:
those deported on 5 September:
Alan and Rebaz Osman were forcibly deported at 5pm 5 September 2007 from London to
Amman, Jordan to Kurdistan.
and a list of all the Iraqi Kurds currently detained in detention centres in the UK.
a) The list below is all of the Iraqi Kurds detained in Campsfield House:
1. Mohamed Abdula Rahman/ R.1039001/. 01-07-1976
An Iraqi Kurd, he has been living in the UK for six years. Mohamed Abdula Rahman
was forcibly deported on 12 February 2007 to Erbil airport from Brize Norton. He is
from Kirkuk which is a dangerous place. Mohamed Abdula Rahman came back to the UK 6
August 2007 following threats to his life. He was not given the opportunity to make
a fresh claim but was immediately arrested and sent to Campsfield detention centre.
He has been told he will be deported on 17 October 2007.
2. Rizgar Karim Tufiq/ R. 1072737/ 01-07-1982
Mr Rizgar has an English wife and a child of nine months.
3. Hiwa Sabir Qadir/ tn4/971444/ 08-12-1980
4. Chalak Zainal / z.1033871/ 05-05-1984
5. Dana Jarib Mohamoud/ asl.1802142/ 15-12-1983
6. Diler Ezeideen Ahmed/ meu.025550/ 01-01-1985
7. Mohamaed Abdula Rashid/ deu.118732/ 01-05-1977
8. Hiwa Mahamaudi/ m.1357209/ 21-03-1981
An Iranian Kurd whom the Home Office are forcibly deporting to Greece.
9. Karwan Salem Ali/ ivs.1649655/ 01-05-1984
An Iraqi Kurdish asylum seeker. He has been detained in Campsfield House from 17 May
2007. Mr Karwan is ill, he cannot pass water and has a hospital appointment on 10
October to discuss treatment which will involve an operation.
b) The list below is all of the Iraqi Kurds detained in Colnbrook Detention Centre:
1- Baiz Abdulla CB21760 DOB 1/10/75
Arrived in the country 2001. Baiz has been held in detention for 12 months. He has
a skin complaint that prevents him from going outside.
2- Herman Kamal Abdullah DOB 1/12/86. Herman arrived in the UK in 2005. Herman has
been told he will be forcibly deported on 26 September 2007.
3- Hamed Maged Abdulah
4- Abdula Sharef
5- Omed Najmaden
6- Sherwan Ali D.O.B:21-08-1989;CB:22277 needs a solicitor. He has been living in
the UK for 7years
7- Karwan Abdul Karem
8- Hemn Fatah
9- Ardalan Salih
NB He has a ticket for12 September to be sent back to Iraq. D.O.B:01-01-1986:CB:20858
10- Naser Shawkat
11- Aram Omer
12- Mohamad Sherko
13- Delshad Baker
14--Taha Swara
15-Beston Ali Omer CB:18754 D.O.B:03-02-1984
c) Five Iraqi Kurds are detained in Doncaster Detention Centre.
Hoshan Mustafa is from Liverpool. Hashan has been informed he will be returned on
10 October to Kurdistan.
Azad, an Iraqi Kurdish asylum seeker has been told he will be forcibly deported on 3
October 2007.
b) The list below is all of the Iraqi Kurds detained in Oakington Detention Centre:
1-Ali Ahmad ref 39-1G A1117036 D.O.B:01-08-1980 :He arrived in the UK on 13 June
2001 Sulaimaniya
2 – Heman Hassan Ahmed Ref 30 6J FLO 53122 DOB 01.04.1984 Sulaimaniya
3 – Ari Salih Sdeed Ref 26-Ij S1384877 17.06.1992 Kirkuk
4 – Mohammed Saed 30-4J S1384877 DOB 17.06.1992 Kirkuk
5 – Ghoulam Muayod Kamel Ref 25-5B G1157671 DOB 22.1.1`978 Jalawla
6 – Shakhawan Mohamed Tahir Ref 19-4K T1674747 DOB 01.03.1980 Kirkuk
7 – Mohammed Ahmed Darbaz Ref 19-5J A1260786 Sulaimanya
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact I.F.I.R.
Yours Sincerely,
Dashty Jamal
Secretary of IFIR
cc Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International

Tel: +44 7856 032 991