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Around the Campaigns Friday 16th January 2009

Raphael 5 still in the Lions mouth, now 43 days in detention
Spoke to Raphael and Oluseye his Mum this morning, Raphael was very subdued according to mum after spending close to seven hours at Bedford General Hospital. Mum said that she was called at about 3:00pm yesterday and told that Raphael had his finger closed in the door, he had to go to the hospital for stitches. Mum said it was not made clear to her how the accident actually happened.
Oluseye told me that a report was written about her having lots of people coming to her room and one of the male officers said to her; "I am watching you Oluseye", she then asked me if she was doing anything wrong or breaking the law by having friends and their children in her room, she feels that this is intimidation. She also said for those of us who are locked up in Yarl's Wood, "we are sitting in the lion's mouth and anytime the lion can close its' jaws". Nellie de jongh
Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Raphael and his mother are released. Please use the updated 'model letter' RaphaelShaubaJS.doc attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include HO ref: S/38066/3
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"

Brum Gaza Demo 17th Jan

500 Citizens of Sderot Contradict the Israeli Government
Please check out this amazing article by Janine Roberts
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Activists disrupt Israel's PR operation
Activists disrupted the offices of the British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) in central London this morning. The lobby group's media centre, which is playing a key role in Israel's public relations operation during the assault on Gaza, was shut down as protesters occupied the building.Photographs of civilian casualties from Gaza were pasted on to the computer screens of public relations executives, phone lines cut off to halt the organisation's media rebuttal unit and leaflets thrown out of window on to the main road and handed out to staff pressing them to confront the truth about the human cost of Israeli aggression.
Around the Campaigns Wednesday 14th January 2009
Deare Hamanajam has left the UKDespite all efforts to stay the removal, Deare was removed yesterday morning with an unknown number of other Iraqi/Kurds. No one, neither solicitors or friends knew the time of removal. There is expected to be another secret removal to KRG/Iraq later this week.

Protests against Israeli occupation of Gaza - Birmingham and Black Country
List of protests and meetings taking place over the next few daysDay 18 Israeli Assault on Gaza-what u can do
913 Palestinians dead, including approx. 400 women and children, and another 4,300 wounded. At least 25,000 have been displaced due to the ongoing bombardment, but are unable to flee the overcrowded territory as crossing points remain closed.The Israeli death toll is 13, 10 are those are Israeli soldiers. Israeli forces are now converging on Gaza City – people cannot leave the city and it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.Full Story | 2 additions | 1 comment >>
Gaza support demo. UAV Engines, Lichfield, Staffs. Monday 19th January
There will be a demonstration outside UAV Engines, of Lichfield, Staffordshire, on Monday 19th January, regarding evidence that has been revealed that the company is building engines that are used in Israel's military drones that are aiding the attacks on Gaza.Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
BBC 'embedded' with murderous Israeli commando unit
The following leaflet was handed to over 1,000 BBC staff over the weekend as they went into work.It makes the point that their correspondent Andrew Herbert is participating in a war crime by being 'embedded' with this murderous unit. I'm sure you'll agree after you have watched the report that this breaks all rules of acceptable journalism.
The URL for the article is:

Around the Campaigns Tuesday 13th January 2009
"Yarl's Wood Detention Custody Officers (DCOs) came for us at 2:00am this morning, Emmanuel (aged 15 suffers from Sickle cell anaemia) was in bed sick. I told the DCOs he was too ill to fly. They brought in a male nurse from Yarl's Wood Health Care who examined Emmanuel and said he "was fit to fly".The DCOs asked me to get Emmanuel out of bed, I refused; they said if I didn't get him up they would fetch a wheelchair, I didn't and they brought in a wheelchair. They asked me to put him in it, I refused. The DCOs lifted Emmanuel out of the bed and put him into the wheelchair and we were all taken down to reception.
There were several escorts waiting and a medical escort, the medical escort examined Emmanuel and said he was "not fit to fly", and that the removal could not go ahead. And that he was not sure that the carrier had been told they would be carrying a Sickle cell suffer and would have the right medical equipment on board and this would have to be sorted out if there was to another flight.
Why they attempted to remove us I do not know, our solicitors informed us yesterday afternoon that they had obtained an injunction and the removal was legally stayed."
Many thanks to all who faxed/emailed Airline & Home Office yesterday.
Helen Laolu-Balogun
Background: Helen Laolu-Balogun and children

TSG Goons Lash Out At Demonstrators By Kensington Palace Gardens

But the truth in fact is someone had spotted a large unit of cops in bell helmets some safe distance behind the gates. An increasing numerous crowd parted from the march gathered at the gates and started throwing shoes, setting placards alight and shoving them under the gap of the gate. This in turn ignited the shoes.
The fact that a number of people were sitting on top of the gate wall waving the hammer and sickle flags of the MLKP maybe should have, but clearly failed to alert the crowd, that this entrance was actually the approach to the Russian Embassy!
A quick surf of multimap will confirm where Old Court Place is in relation to Kensington Palace Gardens!
Photo time line –
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Birmingham Gaza Demo Takes to the Streets

All hands to the pumps for Helen Laolu-Balogun and children

This is an urgent request for your consideration of action necessary in order to avoid a serious breach of human rights to a family well loved by many in Plymouth.
Helen Laolu-Balogun and her six children from Nigeria are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC, with removal directions set for tomorrow Tuesday 13th January on British Airways Flight BA 075 from Heathrow Airport at 10:30hrs to Lagos.
Stop vicious Zionist journalist Melanie Phillips from winning UK weblog awards
Internet media activists will probably be aware that the UK Weblog Award is in danger of being won by Melanie Phillips of the Daily Mail who has said that the women and children of Palestine 'are especially good' at throwing themselves in front of incoming Israeli weaponry/firepower.Please help support the boycott of Phillips/Israel by ensuring that she does not win this award.
To discuss economics and the Gaza Strip, the International Crisis WS continues

Ahava store in London occupied by activists for Palestine

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UK arms supplies to Israel
Guardian article 9th Jan: "An Israeli-owned British company has been drawn into the political controversy over arms sales to Israel prompted by the assault on Gaza"Full Story | 2 additions | 1 comment >>
Day 15 of Israeli War On Gaza: More civilians killed: Death toll 810, wounded 34
A Gazan journalist and aid worker reports from GazaAround the Campaigns Friday 9th January 2009
'No immigration procedures affecting children have been changed by the UKBA Code of practice for keeping children safe from harm'There are 43 children in Yarl's Wood IRC this morning
Raphael aged 5, has now spent 36 days in immigration detention
His mother still does not have removal directions, please email/fax every day.

Please help Naverah Nuzhat Saleemi and her four children