According to Human Rights Watch, domestic violence victims in Pakistan have virtually no access to judicial protection and redress. Officials at all levels of the criminal justice system do not consider domestic violence a matter for the criminal courts. Domestic violence is routinely dismissed by law enforcement authorities as a private dispute and female victims who attempt to register a police complaint of spousal or familial physical abuse are invariably turned away. Worse, they are regularly advised and sometimes pressured by the police to reconcile with their abusive spouses or relatives.
Since arriving the family have made many friends and are all studying here. The children have been awarded many certificates by their schools and Naverah is studying Languages at Anniesland College.
Please help by faxing/emailing the Home Secretary and the airline to ask that the flight be stopped and the family released from detention.
All day today/Saturday & Sunday
1) Please fax/phone/email, Mr Tariq Bukhari, General Manager, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Naverah, Moeiz, Hassan, Husnain, and Humna - attached model fax NaverahPIA.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version. Please include all the details. Forced removal of Naverah, Moeiz, Hassan, Husnain, and Humna, on Sunday 11th January at 16:50 on Pakistan International Airlines flight PK758 from London Heathrow to Lahore,
Fax: 020 8741 9376 from outside the UK + 44 20 8741 9376

Please do this immediately - the flight is on Sunday afternoon.
2)Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, asking that the planned deportation of Naverah, Moeiz, Hassan, Husnain, and Humna be cancelled. Please use the 'model letter' NaverahJS.doc attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include the family's HO ref: S1372202/2
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"
Thank you for your support,
Please let the UNITY know of any faxes/emails sent
30 Ibrox Street
G51 1AQ
0141 427 7992

End of Bulletin:
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