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Refugees to face 5 years of doubt and insecurity
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"an unparalleled digest of asylum, immigration, anti-racism and human rights issues"
The government announced today that from 30 August 2005 people given refugee status will no longer qualify automatically for indefinite leave to remain but instead will be given leave for 5 years.
Images of Make Poverty History Demo, July 2, Edinburgh

Use pics freely, accredit to Adam Yosef. Share your comments!
MP John Hemming and the Phoenix Vulture Consortium

Freedom March & Rally - Brum coach transport

STOP British Airways Flight BA302 at 6:20am Thursday 14 July
re-posted from NCADC News ServiceCharles Pouaha must stay!
Urgent: Please help stop the removal of Charles Beaudelaire Pouaha On British Airways Flight BA302 at 6:20am Thursday 14 July "I escaped Cameroon and came to England on the 26th of November 2002, but instead of finding refuge here I have been drowning in problems; since I came to this country and presented myself to immigration as an asylum-seeker, I have suffered the evils that I was trying to forget yet again. I have been held in detention since the 29th August 2003. Because I know my situation is very dangerous in Cameroon, and I know how failed asylum seekers who are deported to Cameroon are treated, I resisted deportation." Charles Pouaha
This will be the sixth attempt to remove Charles.
Charles has been fighting for two and half years for the right to asylum in Britain. Charles survived detention & torture in Cameroon only to have his case for asylum refused at every turn, despite all the evidence he has provided of what happened to him and how much he is at risk if he is returned.
Bombing debate on 5 Live this evening @ 10 pm
Raj Pal from the South Asian Alliance will be debating the London bombings on radio 5 Live at 22:00 (10 pm) this evening.Activists face thousands of Cancer Research supporters in Hereford

Birmingham evacuated
Jump, panicing nation prepares for the second attack while Bliar claims the blood price paid in London has nothing to do with Iraq invasion and ongoing occupation...War on Want: G8 turn their backs on the world’s poor
The G8 have today betrayed the 1.1 billion people living in poverty across the world, and the millions who supported the Make Poverty History (MPH) campaign, says UK development NGO, War on Want.Campaigners distance themselves from Geldof praise for G8
Having released their own separate media statements in response to the disappointing G8 communique, War on Want and the World Development - 2 UK based development NGOs who have been uneasy about the way in which Make Poverty History has been co-opted by the government and its celebrities - were so disgusted by the Bono and Geldof press conference that they issued a joint statement in condemnation. The question is: why it is only these 2 NGOs who have the guts to come out and speak truth to power?Infernal Noise Brigade at Gleneagles

Eco-Worriers in Scotland
Eco-Worriers Midland eco-band playing in Scotland during G8African Activists: Make Poverty History is being co-opted
Patrick Bond, Dennis Brutus and Virginia Setshedi argue that the celebrity chasing paternalism of Make Poverty History and the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is an unwelcome retreat from the global democratic challenge to market-led globalisation.M9 drumming Blockade and Cow Stampede

Explosive interview - Stop and search techniques woefully inadequate

Anarchist response to attacks (includes West Midlands Anarchists)
joint anarchist response to the attacks in London. With Solidarity, love and rage.What's Happening at the Hori-Zone Eco site in Stirling
The eco-site in Stirling is at the forefront of the G8 protest. What's really happening at Hori-Zone?NOT RIOTS - BUT ORCHESTRATED POLICE TRAINING - Edinburgh g8 Monday

Video; Saint Bob Geldof licked my camera. Crazy Interview

Video: Make Borders History - 3rd July Glasgow - A walking tour of Migration