This march isn't just about stopping the laboratory - it's about fighting for justice for non-human animals, and their right to a life free from pain and suffering; it's also about our right as human beings to stand up and speak out. The theme of the March & Rally is Freedom, and the SPEAK campaign are asking all those fighting injustice to join us and to make it a day to remember.
The past year has seen the Government making vain attempts to keep in with their friends in the pharmaceutical industry. They have restricted our democratic right to peacefully protest to silence the voices that are finally being heard. Various animal abuse establishments are increasingly misusing the legal system in an attempt to curtail our legal and democratic rights to protest. The SPEAK campaign has been served with an injunction that has effectively criminalised the whole animal rights movement. Yet SPEAK have never engaged in - and there is no evidence that it has ever engaged in - illegal activity against Oxford University! Injunctions are already being served on anti-war campaigners. How long before it's your group that is served with an injunction because you have dared to speak out?
By joining us on the 23rd July you will be part of the struggle against greed and self-interest; against a system that condones and encourages the brutalisation of the defenceless.
Meet Oxpens Park, Oxpens Rd, Oxford. OX1 1RX
at 12noon on 23 July 2005.
A coach has been booked to take people from Redditch, Birmingham and Coventry and there are still plenty of seats left. For full details of coach transport from the West Midlands, see