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Tory Conference Demo

Remploy Demonstration At Tory Party Conference – 8:30am Wednesday

ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA
Accessibility information: Demonstration will be held outside. I’m afraid I don’t know how long it is expected to go on for. There is level access to the demonstration area in Centenary Square, and accessible toilets within 500 meters in Paradise Forum and Brindley Place restaurants/bars.
New Street, Moor Street and Snow Hill Train Stations are all around the same distance from the ICC and have level access. Five Ways train station is slightly closer but does not have level access.
Badger Cull Tory Conference

Picket the Bigots - Tory Party Conference

Lobby Tory Conference re Ballymurphy Massacre
Lobby Tory Party ConferenceBallymurphy Massacre Vigil
5pm Mon 8th October
Meet at Hall of Memory Centenary Square Broad Street B1 2EP
Turkish jets bombers targets Kurdistan region in North of Iraq

Turkish warplanes struck around midnight against several areas in the Kurdish Iraqi area,
Coventry Peace House seeks new members
Coventry Peace House currently has space for new members.In South Africa, miners fight on, in the face of the bourgeois bullets
The three thousand rock drillers of the Lomnin mine in Marikana, South Africa, with their indefinite wildcat strike for an increase in wages, have written, with their blood and courage, a new glorious page in the proletarian class struggle.Welcome The Tories To Birmingham
On Sunday 7th October we’ll be welcoming the Tories to Birmingham for their annual conference, with a TUC organised demonstration marching through the town centre to a rally at St Marks Place:Assemble: 11am, High Street
March from 11:30am to St Marks Open Space (postcode B1 2PJ)
EDL Die In Walsall!
The English Defence League held a poorly attended demo at the weekend in Walsall, were outnumbered by anti-fascists and subject to the virulent attentions of West Midland Plod. For those who can’t be bothered here is a summary from an EDL members’ point of view: ‘got up, got pissed, got to Walsall, got mouthy, got battered, got to grow up.’ The deluded fuck-bugles really thought that they would fare better than previous visits to the Midlands and were yet again proved wrong!War declared on badgers by DEFRA in Gloucestershire, action points/wish list

Badger Cull Campaigners to Target Conservative Party Conference
For immediate release: 28/9/2012Badger Cull Campaigners to Target Conservative Party Conference
Photo opportunity: Anti badger cull protest outside the conservative party conference, Sunday 7th October at 12 noon, Outside the International Convention Centre, Birmingham
Oppose the EDL in Walsall
Saturday 29th September meet in central Walsall at 11amPicket the Bigots
Picket the Bigots protest from 12.30 on Monday 8th October in Victoria Square outside the Campaign for Marriage rally in Birmingham Town Hall.Tomorrow's Stop G8 planning meeting - details
Stop G* is a network set up to oppose the G8 summit which is taking place in the UK in 2013Public Meeting No Private Profits From Policing !
7pm on Thursday 27th SeptemberBirmingham Council House
Police Violence at 15 Sept Lisbon, PT Demos
about inadmissible police violence at the Lisbon 15 Sept anti-austerity demos.BBC Investigates a Planning Decision of National Importance
The 8th LAON Press release explains why the BBC's Counrtyfile Programme is investigation a Planning Decision which has national implications if it is not altered. The press release gives details of the campains that have been launched to both overturn the decision by means of a judicial review and how to sign a petition to prevent similar applications from succeeding. This decision, if upheld, means that the applications to opencast in other areas of England are more likely to succeed.Report exposes the hundreds of homes the council are leaving empty