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Hunt Saboteurs protest against badger cull at Tory Party Conference

Hunt Sabs | 08.10.2012 22:48 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham


HSA demo at Conservative Party Conference
HSA demo at Conservative Party Conference

Yesterday saw Hunt Saboteurs from all round the country give up their precious Sunday to travel to Birmingham and join other Anti-Badger Cull activists in displaying their support for the Hunting Act and their opposition to the Coalition Government's plans to tackle Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) by attempting to cull up to 70% of the native badger population, despite strong opposition by countless animal welfare groups, scientists and activists.

The day started with West Midlands police showing hostility to various people attempting to join in the protest and turning them away citing that the protest “was full”. Amusingly it wasn't just activists being turned away, but also furious members of the public who were simply trying to pass through the area. Undeterred, activists who were turned away found other routes to the protest rendering the Police's attempt at subverting democracy a failure.

Prior to the protest, a protest pen had been set up across the road from the entrance to the conference which the Police tried to force the activists into. However, standing their ground the activists refused to move and sat down in a line in front of the Police to avoid being pushed away from the entrance.

As the protest peaked, several Hunt Saboteurs equipped with HSA flags and poles made their presence known and made an attempt to enter the conference building, but it turns out they weren't on the list. Imagine that.

Hunt Sabs
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. great, but! — anarchist
  2. Re: Anarchist — South Coast Sab
  3. legitimate action — anarchist
  4. Semantics — South Coast Sab
