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Protests at Birmingham Hippodrome over Israeli dance company

Autumn Budget Statement Demonstration

UAF Make Themselves Look Stupid

Just posted on the UAF website is a leaflet asking people to tactically vote in this Thursday's PCC elections to stop the BNP candidate Simon Darby in Stoke.

British Heart Foundation May Be Withdrawing From Workfare

Leicester - Smash Workfare Saturday!
Leicester action against workfare, from 9.30 am, this Saturday 10th November. Claimants, workers, waged, unwaged... all welcome to get involved.Crash! Financial Crisis event on 24th Novemeber
Free Event 10.30 – 17.00 Saturday 24th November. Main Building, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ETGet to grips with the basics of the financial crisis, and make links with other people from Birmingham and the West Midlands who want an economic system that puts people before profit.
If you want to understand how the global economy got into such a mess, and what to do about it this event is for you.
Don't Dance with Israeli Apartheid - Boycott Batsheva Dance in Birmingham
Protest outside Birmingham Hippodrome on Tuesday 13th November and Wednesday 14 November at 18:00Film Night & Talk - Justice For The Shrewsbury 24

ex social worker exposes corruption
We have a ex cps social worker on our daily radio show at 7pm london time.please join the chat room and ask your questions
As Coal Use Declines Why Make It Easier to Dig It Out
The Loose Anti Opencast Network is calling on the Government to align Planning Policy with Energy Policy after discovering that it is the Government's intention to phase out the use of coal for power generation purposes, leading to a 75% decline in the use of coal for such a purpose over the next 10 years. At the same time, through provisions in the Growth and Infrastructure Bill it is possibly making it easier to dig the coal out!October 2012 Review of Opencast Sites
This LAON's 6th Review contains the latest information on the stage at which applications for 22 potential opencast mines has reached, 14 in England, 5 in Wales and 2 in Scotland. It also contains a link to a research paper which indicates what the effect would be of introducing a 'buffer zone' of varying widths around Opencast sites on two British Coalfields.Scotland the corrupt
Scotland the CorruptIn the years leading up to the end of the 17th Century, Scotland’s leaders, bankers and landowners had bled and corrupted the nation to such an extent that it was completely bankrupt, driven by greed, fraud and its people subjugated to a life of endless poverty and injustice at the hands of crooked lawyers, judges and the ruling Nobility.
Anyone With A Heart Would Not Support Workfare
Boycott Workfare West Midlands will be holding a demonstration at the British Heart Foundation on Harborne High Street because of their involvement with workfare programmes that will see benefit claimants kicked off benefits for three years if they don’t take part in forced unpaid work schemes like Mandatory Work Activity.West Burton Power Station action
Copypaste as I don't have time to paraphrase ... presumably they'll put their own words up at some point.The Earth Needs Rebels

Drowning Dog and Malatesta plus Redbeard play Birmingham Benefit

Parliamentary Committee Accepts Evidence from Campaigners
A Select committee of the House of commons has accepted a submission from the Loose Anti Opencast Network as written evidence in its Housing Planning and Growth Inquiry. The press release below summarises the evidence submitted. The press release also includes a link to where the evidence can be read.Urgent Animal Cruelty Appeal...Ban “Dig-Outs”

Ireland’s animal welfare laws are being updated...and we need people from around the world to tell our government to outlaw, as a matter of urgency, a number of extremely cruel practises that make life a living hell on earth for animals in Ireland. You can do this simply signing the online petition below.
Sacked Remploy Workers Demonstrate For Their Jobs