In the years leading up to the end of the 17th Century, Scotland’s leaders, bankers and landowners had bled and corrupted the nation to such an extent that it was completely bankrupt, driven by greed, fraud and its people subjugated to a life of endless poverty and injustice at the hands of crooked lawyers, judges and the ruling Nobility.
In the years leading up to the end of the 17th Century, Scotland’s leaders, bankers and landowners had bled and corrupted the nation to such an extent that it was completely bankrupt, driven by greed, fraud and its people subjugated to a life of endless poverty and injustice at the hands of crooked lawyers, judges and the ruling Nobility.
The Act of Union 1701 was not a merger of equals, it was designed to rescue Scotland from itself.
Fast forward to the present day and the old adage of power corrupts stands as true now as it did 300 years ago. With a devolved parliament in Edinburgh the stories of corruption, lies, fraud and worse ebb out every day, but more injurious than politicians stand the Scottish legal system, which is now without doubt rotten to the core and at the very highest levels.
It is a system that no longer serves the people, if it ever truly did, the sham of respectability has now been stripped away completely to expose the lengths to which the corrupt will go to protect the corrupt within the legal system and the police. With the introduction of a single police force in Scotland this situation is likely to get worse rather than better.
At the centre of this barrel of rotting fish lies the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, COPFS. Exposed by the Scottish Law Reporter earlier this week as maintaining a secret unaudited slush fund of public money used to pay for legal advice, and private legal representation for its own members of staff who have been charged with criminal offences or who have become involved in civil legal disputes.
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