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11th October Anti- Surveillance Mass Action

solidarity with activists around the world.

Oppose Orimiston Academy!
A consultation evening is being held to discuss the proposed Ormiston Midlands Creative & Media Arts Academy. This is being held at the Cresent Theatre, Birmingham on Monday 22nd September at 6.30. We encourage as many people as possible to show up and voice their opposition to this new proposal.Birmingham: City of Migrants Rally, Sat September 20th, 12 noon-2.30pm.

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Birmingham IOM Conference, October 29th
IOM announces launch of the Return & Rebuild Programme: "Extra support" for those returning to Afghanistan and Iraq.Baroness Prosser and the Cradley Heath Women Chainmakers

On Saturday 13th September, the Black Country Museum will host the annual Women Chainmaker's Festival. Anthony Wedgewood Benn, formerly 2nd Viscount Stansgate (Tony Benn to you and me), is a regular fixture at the event, although this time Baroness Margaret Prosser is coming to speak. Below is the text of a leaflet that will be circulated by the West Midlands Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World questioning the role of bosses in our union movement and celebrating the actions of our fellow workers nearly a century ago.
The Baroness and the Chainmakers
The Women Chainmaker's Festival is a celebration of the inspirational struggle of the Cradley Heath Women Chainmakers who nearly a century ago agitated and went on strike to gain better pay and working conditions.
The keynote speaker for this year’s festival is Baroness Margaret Prosser, the former deputy general secretary of the T&G Union, Labour Party treasurer, and low pay commissioner.
Managerial discrection and disciplinary action: a case of disciplinary action
A case of disciplinary action against a university academicSt Modwen financial crisis worsens

Harborne Hill School rejects ARK as Academy sponsor – so should St Alban’s!

Bobby Roberts Posters Cancelled in Sean Kirtleys hometown!
Posters taken down and destroyed by activists in solidarity with Sean!New Look Fur Update
Update on New Look's sale of real furCarnival Against Vivisection - Arrest Witnesses Appeal
Carnival Against Vivisection - Arrest Witnesses AppealSequani - Ledbury Protest 6th September 2008. Pictures.

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ICC Public Forum - Birmingham - Sat 13th Sept
The ICC will be holding a public forum in Birmingham...Nottingham Benefit for Ballymurphy Massacre Committee
The Ballymurphy Massacre Committee is campaigning for the British Government to tell the truth about the British Army murdering their relatives.Carnival Against Vivisection - Latest
According to the Hereford Times as of 1.20pm there were 60 protesters , the police are allowing only 15 at a time to demonstrate directly outside Sequani Ltd. The rest are being held on the grass verge opposite the train station.Full Story | 2 additions | 4 comments >>
Flannels Group Selling Fur @ Birmingham
Flannels Group Selling Fur @ BirminghamMidlands Activists Protest At HLS Shareholder Barclays

Carnival against vivisection// Roit police prepare for saturday
An article from the ledbury reporterVegan BBQ this Sunday in Brum
Transition City Birmingham are staging a vegan BBQ at Martineau Gardens this coming Sunday(details below). Midlands Vegan Campaigns will have a stall in order to promote the West Midlands Vegan Festival.
Hope to see you all there! :)