Birmingham Newswire Archive
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Birmingham Council workers strike against the imposition of a new contract

Around 4,000 people protested in Victoria Square Birmingham during the previous strike and given the potential size of the dispute tomorrow, with teachers and civil servants joining the strike, there could be around 10,000 people protesting against Birmingham City Council. This is set to be the biggest public service dispute in the last 20 years.
More than a game: Scientology's policy of intimidation
"ENEMY — SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."- L Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 18 October 67 Issue IV, Penalties for Lower Conditions
Every time we talk to a critic of Scientology you within hours come up and say "That's an extortionist, that's a sexual pervert." It's as if you are terrified of anyone criticising your organisation. It's as if there's something that you've got to hide.
- BBC Reporter John Sweeney to Church of Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis, "Panorama: Scientology and Me"
Thurs 1st May Workers Day festival Wolverhampton

Come and join the 14th annual 1st May celebrations in Wolverhampton.
Stop the illegal eviction of a 22 mnth old baby and family from east Birmingham

Fatma Yavruk and her family, including 22 month old baby Arda, are due to be evicted from their Birmingham home today, due to a bureaucratic mix up by the UK Border Agency and the callous attitude of their Housing Association landlord, Astonbrook.
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Anarchism, cults, and the fight against Scientology
Over the last few months, Anonymous has formed itself into a serious threat to the Church of Scientology. In February, March and April, people around the world stepped forward to confront this cult, clad in masks. Behind those masks lie people from all backgrounds. Some are men, some are women, some are gay, some are straight, some are black, some are white.And some are anarchists.
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Freespace Brum - Temporary Autonomous Zone 11-13th April

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Sequani 6 Trial Coming to an end at Birmingham crown court
The trial of the 6 brave animal liberation defendants fighting sec 145 Socpa is nearing an end after 3 and a half months at Birmingham crown court.The jury may well be sent out Monday 28th April.
Thank you to all that donated and supported the 6 throughout this long trial.
The Animal Liberation/ Rights/ Welfare movement will never forget this support
The trial will commence 21, 23, 24, 25, 28 April 08.
10.30am - 4.00pm daily Brum crown court,court9.
Keep On Keepin ... .. .
Scientology, the Metropolitan Police, and Number 10
A cult is trying to influence the British police. Why is the government ignoring it?Please fix the css file

Showing of the film they tried to ban
Birmingham showing of the film by the Schmovie collective that has faced down repression and harassment around the country..'You don't have the right to silence'
Yes, that's what officer 0801 from West Midlands Police told me today at Birmingham Airport when I said "No comment" to his surprising question: "Have you been involved in organising any protests in this country?" And since I was held for one and a half hours to be asked such silly questions, I thought I would waste another hour and a half writing about it.
Related: Recruiting Spies at British Airports | Is It Really About Terrorism? | My Special Branch friends | Indymedia and British Intelligence Services
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20,000 Birmingham council workers to strike

Faslane Punx Picnik Benefit: Birmingham

£5 in 6 til late
Free Curry from 6-7pm - so get there early!
Leicester College boss tries to intimidateIWW & proves how much he sucks
Leicester Adult Education College boss Chris Minter tries to intimidate & proves how much he sucks at protest meeting against planned privatisation,job cuts&sell offs of public assetsCarter: Zionist shill
Jimmy Carter proved today that he had been bought by the Zionist lobby when he described attacks on the Zionist city of Sderot as "despicable" and "criminal".Anonymous protests Scientology corporation in Birmingham

Squat days of action summary...

The following is an attempt at a non comprehensive summary of the actions, demonstrations, gatherings and various initiatives that happen during the days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. The summary was created from reports on the IMC UK newswire and english language reports posted to the April2008 website.
Note: A more comprehensive summary now exists on the April2008 website..Action report-Angel Group targetted
As part of the days of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces-Action at Angel Group- building graffitied, locks glued, 12 company vehicles damaged.
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East Midlands Friends of the Earth urge Prime Minister Gordon Brown to stop ignoring aviation emissions