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Prison-death demonstration, Styal Prison, 13 June 2007
Demonstration to protest against the death of another woman prisonerHelen Mary Cole, aged 48, died on 3 June 2007
while in the care of Styal Prison, Cheshire
Demonstration will take place on Wednesday 13 June 2007 starting at 1.00 pm
Reporters and photographers are welcome to attend
Rostock: rap against fortress Europe

The march organisers were apparently told by the police to follow an alternative route, but they refused and thousands of people made their own way to the harbour with the help of a sound system playing some banging tunes and an amazing political rap about Europe's border regime.
video clips of police repression in rostock

The w(r)eek of Live 8 returns..

Police Repression of Antifa Demo in Schwerin

German Fascists called a demonstration on the same day as the major mobilisation against the G8 in Rostock. Antifa mobilised an anti-fascist response to the planned demo in Schwerin, north-west Germany.
Schwerin was eerily quite for a Saturday morning. German cops setup road blocks on the city's arterial roads in an attempt to filter out fascists and anti-fascists. The city's streets were deserted and the tram system was suspended. Posters showing a Nazi swasticka being chucked in a bin adorned roads around the city. There was little evidence of the "Master Race" mobilising in Schwerin but reports came in later that they had mobilised in Berlin and other parts of Germany. For the most part, local people we spoke to seemed confused about the nature of the counter demo, perhaps mirroring the somewhat confused interpretation of what really constitutes the radical left and right in Germany.
90% of CCTV is illegal
CameraWatch was launched in Edinburgh yesterday. Despite it's name, it is not an activist group, it is an industry-funded advisory group. However, it did start with a few tips that may be useful to activists facing prosecution using CCTV images.Anarchists join Gay Pride march
Local anarchists supported the march and distributed leaflets.London's Critical Mass rides again

London's Critical Mass is being subjected to pathetic legal challenges from the police to get the ride banned. Every time 'the powers that be' attempt to curb the autonomous nature of the Capital's mass, they're met with growing numbers of riders eager to resist them.
Read more about the attempts to criminalise the London ride here:

British Oppression Downing Street protest - the usual suspects strike again
Well, well, well, or not, as the case may be. Friday 15th June appears to have a "Muslim" protest organised at which Muslims are urged to "Respond to the call of Allah and the Messenger." This apparently, means that Muslims should protest against British Oppression outside Downing Street, although this is likely to have to be outside the fortress gates of Downing Street, rather than immediately outside the front door of number 10, if it even gets that far because Downing Street happens to be part of an exclusion zone that prevents the population of the UK from protesting against anything, much less British Oppression, anywhere near Parliament or Downing Street without first having obtained express permission for so doing. Of course, there is nothing oppressive about having to obtain express permission from the very State against whom you wish to protest, unless it happens in some far off land such as Uzbekistan. Doublethink is good for you and better for your country.
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West Midlands Climate Camp Meeting, Wed 30th May
The last meeting was really well attended and felt very positive,supportive and exciting. After the packed meeting the Climate Campers
decided to meet next Wednesday at the Spotted Dog, Alcester St, Digbeth at
Bristol Vegan Fayre
After 9 months hard work, the BVF 07 show is now nearly complete, with 130 stalls booked so far, plus 6 talks and demos areas, and two stages running - with a kids area, a fully decked out Bedouin tent, a Healers and Therapists zone and a gourmet vegan restaurant on a Double Decker Bus amongst the other attractions."Anti-British stickers spark protests"

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Anarchists intervene in National Day of Action to Defend Asylum Rights
Anarchists in Coventry supported a demo.and march to the Midlands Enforcement Unit in Solihull on 19th May.Birmingham Indymedia screening: 'i' the film

On Tuesday 29th May, Birmingham Indymedia will be screening one of the first feature films made about indymedia – ‘i’ the film follows the first year of a small indymedia collective in Buenos Aires as it struggles amidst assassinations, a collapsing economy, and a whirlwind of political upheaval. We will also be screening some films from the Indymedia Oaxaca tour documenting the uprising and the emergence of a revolutionary indigenous popular movement in Oaxaca, Mexico.
The films start at 7:30 pm at “Fingy’s” shop in the Custard Factory, Digbeth Birmingham.
Directions to the Custard Factory
Further Links: 'i' The Film website | Film reviews | Report and Audio from Nottingham Screening | Argentina Indymedia | Wikipedia on Indymedia | Indymedia at the Camp for Climate Action 2006‘MOVE’ comes to Birmingham

MOVE is a revolutionary organisation set up in USA that fights to protect all life by spreading information and standing against the systems that harm life. They were strident anti-racism and environmental campaigners long before the mainstream took up these issues.
Romana will be coming to Birmingham on Saturday June 30th to talk about MOVE and screen the documentary ‘MOVE’ at the Drum Arts Centre in Newtown Birmingham. The talk and screening starts at 7pm and ends at 9pm, there is a £3 entrance fee.
For tickets and directions click:

WM Climate Camp Meeting: 23rd May

Iraq in Fragments screening, May 27th.
Screening of a documentary on the reality of the situation in modern day Iraq followed by a discussion focussing on the plight of the thousands of Iraqis left in legal limbo in the UK as the result of the Home Office's refusal to grant them asylum.Antifa Britain founding statement.
Following a national conference in January and a steady increase in activities and recruitment Antifa are proud to release our founding statement. Please visit the website and get involved!London 15 June: Muslim Demo against British Oppression

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Food not Bombs benefit gig tonight