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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Pebble Mill, Birmingham, 2.4.03

Simon Behrman | 03.04.2003 21:20 | Birmingham

Yesterday's protest against the BBC's coverage of the Iraq war was unfortunately subverted by certain unruly elements.

After a successful event yesterday, in which dozens of anti-war protestors stood on the pavement ineffectually shouting slogans at the BBC and freezing themselves numb, certain anti-social elements took it upon themselves to block some of Birmingham's main arterial routes, against the express wishes of The People With The Megaphones.

Following this unseemly bout of spontaneity, many protestors were seen to disperse looking cheerful and empowered.

I would like to register my severe disapproval with this chain of events. I would like to take the opportunity tofirmly state that, from now on, I will be doing all I can to ensure that future demonstrations take an altogether more placid and sedate nature.

If you don't go home miserable with a newspaper in your back pocket I will have FAILED!

Simon Behrman
