Stacey Blythe & Clarion Choir: The Chainmakers' Song
- video/mp4 14M
This year is the centenary of the strike giving the event particular resonance. There event was well attended and the march was impressive, larger than some 'genuine' demonstrations I've been on. There were banners from a range of unions including NASUWT, NUT, Unison, Unite, GMB, Usdaw and UCU.
The event was in some respects just like any union rally with speakers including Billy Hayes (CWU General Secretary) and Mary Turner (GMB President) who seemed to be arguing that public service cuts could be defeated through judicial reviews. The headline speaker was lefty old timer Tony Benn.
There was also an extensive programme of music with acts including Nottingham's Clarion Choir, but the rains came not long after the march had ended and Benn finished. I suspect there were few people around by the time the Unthanks, the headline act, came on at 6.30.
Chainmakers' Strike website

Midlands TUC

Black Country Living Museum