The Tear Down The Walls Tour is a chance to learn about struggles against prisons across England, Wales & Scotland. The two hour workshop explores the role of prison in our lives, how the P.I.C harms individuals and communities and alternatives to it. We introduce examples of state violence, like the IPP sentences, and we focus on prison expansion, as well as the role of prison labour. We explore recent resistance & ongoing struggles and aim to support new groups to emerge that can fight this racist, sexist, brutal system.
Dates & Locations
Tues 12 – London (Grow Heathrow):

Weds 13 – Birmingham:

Thus 14 – Cardiff:

Fri 15 – Liverpool:

Sat 16 – Nottingham:

The Empty Cages Collective have been working towards building a movement in England, Wales & Scotland that fights the prison industrial complex. Through touring, popular education, events & actions, the collective have tried to connect individuals and groups who share a rage against the prison system and a desire to build a different world. The collective have produced publications, spoke at event after event, launched Community Action on Prison Expansion, took part in the international action camp against the mega prison in Wales, supported the Smash IPP campaign and organised the recent week of action against the P.I.C Having visited five cities in March 2014, the first TDTW tour built the first friendships and now it is time to take to the road again.