National March & Rally - Saturday April 16th, 2011
Meet 12noon at Whitworth Park, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M15 6ER
Coach transport arranged from the West Midlands, please book seats asap.

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On Saturday April 16th 2011 campaigners from across the country will be gathering in Manchester to mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories, a UN recognised date to remember the many millions of animals worldwide who are tortured and killed in experiments each year.
The day will begin with a rally in Whitworth Park, on Oxford Rd, Manchester. Here there will be speeches from activists, info stalls and vegan food and refreshments. Later at around 1.30pm the march will set off along Oxford Road.
The route will first take us down Oxford Rd, past Manchester University, which carries out more animal experiments than any other university in the north of England. However we will also be passing Manchester Metropolitan University which by contrast is one of a growing number of universities which do not carry out experiments on animals.
The march will then take us around the centre of Manchester, taking the anti-vivisection message to many thousands of people on a busy Saturday afternoon, before finishing with a rally in Albert Square, next to Manchester Town Hall.
The events of the day will also be focussing on the role played by Manchester Airport as one of the major importers of animals for experimentation, more details nearer the time.
This is usually the largest such protest of the year in the country, so please help us to make the event a success, keep the date free and start to plan how you will get there.
Please help to promote the march. Leaflets are available via
Share the Facebook event page

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West Midlands Coach Transport
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The West Midlands coach will pick up in Coventry and Birmingham at the following locations and times:
8.00am Redditch - Magistrates Court/Shipleys Bingo
8.45am Coventry - White Street Coach Park (near bus station)
9.30am Birmingham - Carrs Lane Church Centre, City Centre
The cost per seat is £12 waged or £7 unwaged. To book seats, please make cheques payable to 'West Midlands Animal Action' and send to the address below:
West Midlands Animal Action, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT.
With your cheque/Postal Order, please include your name, the number of seats your require, your telephone number & where you intend to board the coach.
The coach will have a toilet on board & will also stop at the services on the motorway. The coach is scheduled to start back from Manchester at 5pm. For more details about the coach, email wmids_animalaction 'at'
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For many more details about the march, rally and why the event is taking place, please see the World Day for Animals in Laboratories website