Human rights protestors have this morning returned to Caterpillar Defence Industries armed with War on Want’s “Caterpillar: The Alernative Report”. The gates all around the factory are shut and no traffic is being permitted to leave or enter the factory. The human rights protestors are currently reading the War on Want alternative report on Caterpillar through the gates to employees and security. Caterpillar Defence industries is effectively under siege this morning.
Caterpillar is the largest UK employer in the earth moving and construction industry, and is known on the high street for its range of rugged boots and fashion accessories. As a company, Caterpillar claims to maintain “a strong focus on social responsibility”, while its Code of Worldwide Business Conduct boasts “high ethical standards” through which Caterpillar should “set an example for others to follow”.
Yet Caterpillar’s armoured bulldozers have been responsible for the destruction of thousands of Palestinian homes, schools, wells and olive groves. Caterpillar’s bulldozers have also been used in the construction of the Separation Wall which Israel has built on Palestinian land and which has been ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice. As a result of this involvement and abuse of Palestinian’s human rights, Caterpillar has been subjected to unprecedented criticism from the United Nations and international human rights groups.

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