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WILD GEESE looks at migration from the point of view of the migrants themselves, exploring their hopes, dreams and often harsh realities. The show exposes the great divide between those who build fortunes from the forced migration of the world's peoples and those much vilified refugees, asylum seekers and 'economic migrants' forced to leave homes and loved ones in search of work, refuge and survival.
- "It is so important that people speak up about the issues of racism and of prejudice against refugees and asylum seekers, and I believe your production is a wonderful way of doing just that" (Tony Brett Young, Mayor, London Borough of Sutton)
- "It shocked me to see what Britain and America do to cause so many of the world's problems" (6th former, Swinton High School, Manchester)
- "A superb performance" (Peterborough Racial Equality Council)
Catch this exciting and informative new show at one of the following venues, or see the website,

Quality TV documentary to get film release
The Power of Nightmares to be shown at Cannesiraq quagmire or Genocide
The so-called progressive Neo-liberal media in the US are more closed minded in support of invasion than the the rightwingers who occupied Iraq. That is why not only we don't have anti-war movements but actually there is no credible voice if dissents.Here is one example of a neo-liberal hypocricy. They are using the argument about the Quagmire in Iraq as a sokescreen to cover the genocide in iraq.Dissent Gathering in Nottingham

Organising Gathering in Nottingham,
Friday 20th - Sunday 22 nd May
National Anti Fur Day of Action against SELFRIDGES - Saturday 14 May
Protest in Birmingham City Centre against Selfridges barbaric trade in furEarth First! Action Update
The Earth First Action Update is gearing up to go to press.Special Report: Bringing the G8 Home
Corporate Watch's new hard-hitting report, 'Bringing the G8 home: corporate involvement in and around the G8 in Scotland 2005' is now on the web, available to read, print and distribute. Go to
Traveller's Tales
A unique occasion, several hundred people, 'travellers' & others, meeting at Digbeth's Irish Club, in Birmingham. To, as a Coalition, discuss, criticise & organise, re. matters relevant to gypsys, Romanys & a variety of travellers. Participants were mainly British, with a modest sprinkling of foreign delegates. Plus social workers, local authorities, university lecturers & some few curious or sympathetic 'Joe Public's.Week of Action Against Selfridges Involvement In The Fur Trade

The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination on tour
As world leaders prepare for their G8 summit photo op, a new network of art activists are touring the UK(19 May – 6 July), inspiring resistance with an exploding caravan, a free feast, prayers to products, a clown army and creative civil disobedience trainings.The Jerusalem Post Smears American and British Critics of Zionist Israel
Since Zionists cannot win with Truth and Reason, they resort to lies and name-calling.Stories on ELECTORAL FRAUD
I sincerely hope the British People won't stand idly by, like the Americans did, and allow this to happen. Take a page from the Ukrainians, the Lebanese. Both of their Movements were CIA-sponsored, but we've been given a glimpse into their Handbook for Non-Violent Revolution, and should not waste the opportunity this presents us with. Not with Fascism on the march ...May Day Events In Brum
A report on 3 days of events celebrating May Day in Birmingham, 2005.Emile must stay!

Anti Election in Balsall Heath