WILD GEESE looks at migration from the point of view of the migrants themselves, exploring their hopes, dreams and often harsh realities. The show exposes the great divide between those who build fortunes from the forced migration of the world's peoples and those much vilified refugees, asylum seekers and 'economic migrants' forced to leave homes and loved ones in search of work, refuge and survival.
- "It is so important that people speak up about the issues of racism and of prejudice against refugees and asylum seekers, and I believe your production is a wonderful way of doing just that" (Tony Brett Young, Mayor, London Borough of Sutton)
- "It shocked me to see what Britain and America do to cause so many of the world's problems" (6th former, Swinton High School, Manchester)
- "A superb performance" (Peterborough Racial Equality Council)
Catch this exciting and informative new show at one of the following venues, or see the website,

Tuesday 14 June, 7:30pm
Admission free
More details from 01384 456166
Sponsored by Dudley Racial Equality Council
Lecture Hall, NE Wales Institute, Wrexham
Wednesday 15 June, 6.30 pm
Admission free
Info and tickets from 029 2043 2990
Sponsored by Refugee Week Wales
Library Theatre, Paradise Place, Birmingham
Thursday 16 June, 7:30 pm
Admission £5/£3 conc (nobody turned away through lack of funds)
For more information call 0121 451 1784
Featuring 'Transitions',– created and performed by young asylum seekers
Sponsored by Celebrating Sanctuary, all proceeds in aid of B-MAG’s asylum
seeker destitution fund.
Chat's Palace, 42/44 Brooksby's Walk, Hackney, London E9 6DF
Friday 17 June, 7.30pm
Admission: £8 (£5 concessions)
More info and bookings on 020 8533 0227
Chat's Palace, 42/44 Brooksby's Walk, Hackney, London E9 6DF
Saturday 18 June, 7.30pm
Admission: £8 (£5 concessions)
More info and bookings on 020 8533 0227
Institute for the Blind, Mappin St Sheffield
Tuesday 21 June, 7pm
Admission £5 (£2 unwaged, free to refugees and asylum seekers)
Tel for info and bookings 07913 701740
Sponsored by REEP, CDAS, SPAT-C and ASSIST
Ventnor Hall, Ventnor Road, Bradford
Wednesday 22 June, 1:00 and 7:30
Admission free, donations requested
Sponsored by Bradford Festival & Refugee Week Steering Group
Speedwell Technology College, Speedwell Road, Bristol BS15 1NU
Thursday 23 June, 12 noon
Performance and discussion for fifth formers
Speedwell Technology College, Speedwell Road, Bristol BS15 1NU
Thursday 23 June, 7pm
Admission £6 (£4 unwaged)
Sponsored by Bristol City Council
Barbican Theatre, Castle Street, Plymouth PL1 2NJ
Friday 24 June, 2pm
Training event for Plymouth Social and Housing Services
Barbican Theatre, Castle Street, Plymouth PL1 2NJ
Friday 24 June, 7:30 pm
Admission: £8 (£5 concessions)
Box office: 01752 267131
St Phillips Community Centre, Bathurst St, Swansea
Saturday 25 June, 6:30 pm
Admission free
Info and tickets from 029 2043 2990
Sponsored by Refugee Week Wales
The Riverfront, Bristol Packet Wharf, Newport NP20 1HG
Wednesday 29 June, 7pm
Admission free
Info and tickets from 01633 656757
Sponsored by Refugee Week Wales
University of Huddersfield
Wednesday 6 July, 6:30 pm
Part of a summer school for young people thinking of entering university
All Saints Centre, Friars Walk, Lewes
Tuesday 12 July, 8pm
Part of the Tom Paine Festival
Sponsored by Ouse Valley and District Trades Council
Kirkby Unemployed Centre, Westhead Avenue, Kirkby, Merseyside
Friday 15 July
Sponsored by Knowsley Arts Services