Workers and activists from across the Midlands headed to Wolverhampton on Mayday evening for the 13th Wolverhampton Annual May Day Festival, organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee. The event was supported by the West Midlands Fire Brigades Union, the West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. The theme was "Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone".
Apart from the tasty Asian food and cheap beers, there were lots of enthusiastic speeches, including those by Yvonne Washbourne from the PCS Union, Dyal Bhagri, president of the Indian Workers’ Association GB and Naeem Malik from the Guantanamo Campaign. There was also some good and uplifting music, including Dave Rogers from the Banner Theatre and Atilla The Stockbroker. And, of course, loads of stalls with all kind of political literature from as many groups and campaigns.