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'Naming the Dead' Vigil in Birmingham 1st Feb 2006

Karen Bristoll | 01.02.2006 21:58 | Birmingham

Their was a 'Naming the Dead' Vigil in Victoria Square, Birmingham, 5.30 pm Wednesday 1st February 2006.

Speakers included the mother of a soldier from Tamworth who was killed in Iraq.

Naming of the Dead Vigil Birmingham 1/2/06 1
Naming of the Dead Vigil Birmingham 1/2/06 1

Naming of the Dead Vigil Birmingham 1/2/06 2
Naming of the Dead Vigil Birmingham 1/2/06 2

Their was a 'Naming the Dead' Vigil in Victoria Square, Birmingham, 5.30 pm Wednesday 1st February 2006.

Speakers included the mother of a soldier from Tamworth who was killed in Iraq.

A second soldier from the 7th Armoured Brigade has been killed in Iraq.
This is the 100th British soldier to die in Iraq. Military families have
asked that the British people mark this day with protests and vigils.

Karen Bristoll
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. must have taken a long time — ==
  2. a con that requires maximum publicity — twilight
  3. Straw Man — The Unknown Worrier
  4. Keep on protesting — andy
