Why Finnish Police is placing web-pages on Finnish Human Rights violations on an abandon list? Why some of these pages can be seen from by using foreign Google engine, but not if one uses www.google.fi? Situation similar to China, South-Korea, Soviet Union or East-Germany who are or were known to sensor and block all other news besides from Governmental News bureau.
Police of Finland has admitted of telling lies to mass media, who published faked news for the Police. Aim of this act was ‘to protect kidnapped person’s life’. Police also overtook a small aeroplane field in Finland and the field was used for military purposes by Finnish Army during the hijack case. This means 1) Finnish Police has admitted on telling lies to public media and 2) acting very closely with Finnish Army and 3) using same techniques to Finnish Army. This indicates Finnish Police Force Commander being more a militarist as a Police Force Commander and proving Police using methods similar to military, also in Police education.
When all this combined to information on Finnish Government construct, and us having falsely named Ministry of Interior instead on Police Ministry, we may note the State of Finland practising sensor and telling lies to public media, can only Finnish Police Force as Ministry of Interior being held in responsible for all false court judgments done in Finland and preventing this information spreading internally by blocking free press outside Finnish borders were it may work freely as not under Ministry of Interior (i.e. Finnish Police Force) control.
May I ask, what kind of a nation is s state having only and mainly Police Force Unit working in a Ministry but named as Ministry of Interior? Are there no other matters instead of Police matters in the State of Finland. What other internal issues there would be to Police Affairs if Ministry names as it is? None.
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