From 8.30pm at the Anchor there will be two films for the discerning bicyleteer with equal measures of politics, bike culture and bike porn..
-A documentary portraying Ney Yorks thriving bicycle culture, critical mass as a creative space and the riders’ fight against the NYPD to prevent the ride being criminalized.
- Many aspects of urban bike culture worldwide– critical mass included – have strong links to the NY courier scene. This documentary depicts the diverse cross-section of New York’s population that make up its 2500 strong bicycle messenger community.
There is also a Organic beerfest and barbecue coinciding with the Bike Films , so you can get fed, as well as entertained! Planning on having vegan, veggie and meat burgers available, all organic.
"Everyday, all over the world, people are resisting the problem culture of the car by getting on their bikes and riding, instead of driving.
Critical Mass is a celebration of the alternatives to cars, pollution, accidents and the loss of public spaces and freedoms.
Not an organisation or group, but an idea or tactic, Critical Mass allows people to reclaim cities with their bikes, just by getting together and out-numbering the cars on the road"
Bring your bike, your friends, your children - anyone you can find who wants to promote cycling to a wider Birmingham public. More bikes mean less cars. Less cars mean less pollution, less noise and less accidents. And what does this equal? A much nicer-greener country to live in!
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