Immediately adjacent to the pond is the Duck Pond Pub, who have their own angling club and are delighted about these plans, which also include tarmacing over a section of land between the pub and the pond in order to improve access for pub goers!! Picture the scene - crowds of drunken fishermen by the waterside, dropping beer cans in the water, smashing bottles, leaving line/hooks behind for wildlife to get tangled in etc!! The pub landlord has even admitted to campaigners that he anticipates a boost in profits!! So not only are the council encouraging children to take part in bloodsports, they`re also helping the pub make a bigger profit from animal cruelty!!
Today, 6 campaigners, including someone in a giant fish costume, held a peaceful protest which shamed Redditch Council whilst raising public awareness of the pain and suffering involved in fishing. A huge banner and several placards made sure everyone in town knew exactly why we were there.
Several hundred leaflets were distributed and dozens of people pledged to object to the council about their plans. The local media seemed to be falling over themselves to cover the story. Interviews were given to both BBC Hereford & Worcester Radio and The Bear. Both the Redditch
Advertiser and Standard turned up to take photos.
After 2.5 hours leafletting in the baking heat, protesters marched to the town hall, attracting much more attention on the way. Soon after our arrival, a council employee emerged and handed each of us a press release which they had prepared specially, after becoming aware of the demo!
The press release can be read on the council website

Please contact the council and lodge your strong disapproval to their plans. Remind them that Oakenshaw Spinney is a wildlife haven, and their plans will seriously harm/kill that wildlife, as well as confuse children about what are acceptable ways to treat animals - which will no doubt lead to yet more mindless, yobbish attacks on wildlife/pets!!
Landscape & Countryside Dept.
Redditch Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Alcester Street,
B98 8AH
Email -

Phone - 01527 64252