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No to Road-building

rambler | 25.09.2011 19:28 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Birmingham | South Coast

75 campaigners sent a message to this pro-road building Tory government - Don't trash our countryside. Meeting at three rail stations on the south coast on Saturday (Sept 24 '11) - the three groups converged at the threatened Combe Haven Valley in a protest against the proposed £100m Bexhill Bypass.

Anti-Bexhill Bypass Protest
Anti-Bexhill Bypass Protest

The Bexhill Bypass would destroy one of the most unspoilt and tranquil areas in the South East, home to badgers, bats, lapwings...

It is one of 45 road-building schemes - carmageddons - which are competing for a giant pot of government cash.

Recommendations will be made in December with final Transport Dept decisions in Jan '12.

Retrogade planning decisions which will lead to more traffic: so East Sussex County Council’s plans show that there will be 14% more traffic in Hastings and Bexhill with the new road than without it.

And that's the same with bypasses up and down the country - Newbury etc etc.

Cheaper and more sustainable ways NOW! - walking, cycling and public transport.
Don't lose countrysides and futures in the 2010's. Fight back...

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