details on transport & protest.
The BNP have announced that on Tuesday 16th their leader Nick Griffin will be speaking at a rally in Kimberley. Join us in our protest at 6:30pm, Tuesday, October 16th at Sainsbury's Car Park, Greens Lane, Kimberley
People from Nottingham meet at Phoenix Park tram stop,5.30pm
Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP was convicted for race hate and as a Holocaust denier. He was a long time member of the explicitly Nazi National Front who denied Hitler's campaign to exterminate Jews.
Nazis and other fascists have for years targeted the Kimberley and Eastwood area.
Especially now, they think their chance is here: when there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the major political parties. They pretend that they are no longer Nazis. But nothing has changed.
Let them know they are not welcome in Kimberley or Eastwood.
Join our protest against them seeking to stir up their race hate politics here.
Defend jobs, defend our communities, our health service, our housing and the education rights of our kids. Yes!
But also defend them from the race hate of the BNP that only leads to violence and division.
Bring banners and placards.
Bring cars if you can.
for Nottingham people Phoenix Park is just past Cinderhill roundabout on the A610
Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP is a trade union and community based campaign that unites anti-fascist organisations throughout the county of Nottingamshire

Captain Codeye paedo-loving failed genetic experiment of theBNP in Nottingham
15.10.2007 10:59
Captain Codeye the result of a failed genetic experiment involving quasimodos sister & a crazy austrian half pint with 1 ball is in Nottingham soon,haha
Bet he will scamper out fast back2his luxury hole under your his sheepshaggin farm in wales,built at BNP members expense.
Apperently Griffin was under suspiciion of canibalism after overheard saying "I ate muslims", but after helping arm another 3rd world right wing regime Gordon Brown decided its a nazis minority pc right2eat minorities.
Nazi BNP make a big thing of being the only party without paedophiles? beyond irony as the Nazis in world war 2 tortured,murdered & sexually abused millions of children, it was hard to make Stalinist scum look good, but they did it.
An advance party of sad clowns doing silly walks have already been seen around the Trowell junction,
sherwood army gonna blow u & brownie out!
supported by Notts & mansfield trades council,
Notts & Sherwood industrial workers of the world,
Unison + local cooperatives & businesses in nottingham
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