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Reel News Return To Birmingham

Following Reel News' event at the Spotted Dog earlier this year with a
very enjoyable screening and discussion (see photos below), they are returning
30th April with the latest films from protests and direct actions.
Stop police violence demo in Redditch
A national demo has been called in Redditch on Sat 18 April
The Drip Drip Drip Of Information
Three blog items posted since Thursday, dealing with the Ian Tomlinson killingVisteon Workers: The Fight Goes On!

'No Democracy Wall' Memorial to Ian Tomlinson, Royal Exchange, Bank, London

Helen Bih Must Stay

Veggie Pride UK - Sat 16 May in Birmingham

Young Peoples March for Jobs - As It Passed Bank London

I would have also commented on the shallow input the major unions afford these kinds of initiatives (regardless of party fronts or hijacks) But I’d be here till Christmas so take it as read
Call out for National Demo in Jacqui Smith`s home town
The policing at the G20 protests was extremely violent and agressive. Peaceful protesters were attacked and beaten, many of them suffering injuries. We`ve all seen the videos of police laying into the climate campers who stood there with their hands in the air calmly stating "this is not a riot". And now we see film evidence that Ian Tomlinson, who was not even a protester, was brutally attacked from behind with a baton, before being shoved hard to the ground by a vicious cop. Ian Tomlinson died minutes later - I call this MURDER and it happened on Jacqui Smith`s watch!!Comment and Photos of the G20 Demonstration At Bank

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Met Police apologises to photographers for abuse of powers at Memorial Demo

BNP deputy leader addresses international fascist rally

Simon Darby claims he addressed a 400-strong audience in Milan today (5 April)
Witnesseses of Ian Tomlinson's brutal murder come forward
An article in today's Observer newspaper states that the "police assaulted bystander who died in G20 protests". Three independent witnesses have come forward with corroborative statements telling how he was violently assaulted.G20 protests video shows perfect example of police tactics
This video report form Al-Jazeera is a great and objective piece, makes a nice change from the other news sources. Perfect example of the police tactics all day yesterday.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees - March 2009
Nine conflict situations around the world deteriorated and two improved in March 2009, according to the new issue of the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatchJNC open new squat. Gardeners required.
At 0900 hrs on Tuesday 31 March, members of 'Justice Not Crisis' occupied the Beechcourt Hotel, 201 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB.Stop the Forcible Removal of Jeevitha and Neeraja

Gordon Brown in Shock Diet Change
Here`s some news from today`s Independant that will surprise and open the eyes of many people. Please forward this important news to your friends and family.Disabled activists occupy Birmingham City Council office: photos and video