I would have also commented on the shallow input the major unions afford these kinds of initiatives (regardless of party fronts or hijacks) But I’d be here till Christmas so take it as read
That bloke stickin’ ‘is ‘ead out of the old pub ‘winder’
The two road mantence contractors
Tower Hamlets students that dain’t join the march
Canning Town students that did
Ethiopian Demo by the Excel Centre (1)
I question the motivation or intelligence of those who organized the route, especially after the march diverted from Tower Bridge through the dockland area! A pointless exercise, marching and meandering for over three hours thru' through empty streets, towered over by refurbished warehouses
The only actual interaction that the march experienced happened near the DLR (Dockland Light Railway) Popular Rd Station and No! Sean!
………the Tower Hamlet students did not join the march as claimed by the article linked below


Though it is true school students joined and led the march at DLR Canning Town station to the Excel Center
But as for shouting "No Pasaran!" At the junction of Cable Street to link “the anti-fascist struggles of the 1930s with the fight against the far-right racist BNP today and the need to put forward a viable alternative for working class people”!
So what?
To an audience of two road mantence contractors and a bloke sticking his head out of a window of a former pub …….and three minutes further down the road two lads and a girl painting a set of railings!
The article further claimed, that as the march passed through Poplar, the Imprisoned 1921 Poplar councilors struggle was commemorated and at Wapping the need for trade unionism and for socialist leadership was pointed out!
With and to whom I don’t know? For to paraphrase the Monthy Python Parrot sketch! The streets were empty! Vacant! Devoid of pedestrians! The hustle and bustle of East End Docklands has ceased!
If it was a history lesson regarding Working Class East End London, the organizers wanted to instill into the marchers…..
Well they probably would have done more justice to the participants, had they all boarded a tube from Bank to Mile End and walked the five minutes to Ben Jonson Rd and queued for admission to ‘The Ragged School Museum’!
At the final rally at the Excel Centre, Bob Crowe addressed the marchers, only he dain’t ‘cause he never showed up! As the rally dispersed there was a call from the marshals for the
Marchers to head back to Central London on DLR and stick together for safety
Quite right too! Dangerous leaving young people to their own devices… They might take it into their inexperienced minds to self organize and take direct action!
Copyright Stalingrad O'Neill - permission is required for third party usage
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