Still it dain’t seems to bother the Old Bill who as usual exceeded their legal authority to use "reasonable force" and waded in with extreme and potentially lethal force at random, no doubt reasoning “Since we can’t get those fuckers throwing shit at the back! You’ll do sunshine, you’re the nearest”
And throughout the day the vice like grip of the kettle tightened with the afore mentioned scenario oft being repeated
As for the claims the Police came under vicious attacks by hail of missiles! Well! I wouldn’t deny that a number of glass bottles were thrown, but sustained attacks?
Billy Bunk!
A look through the photos and videos that have been published, will only show on the ground, litter, chewing gum, paper, plastic bottles and bags, beer cans and cigarette butts!
You would be hard pushed to find, depicted there in those images, anything that resembled a threat to Police body amour and their other defensive equipment! I can see no evidence of broken cobblestones, implements or wooden sticks of substance I can’t even see even shards of broken glass from bottles
Aside from the numerous injuries inflicted on peaceful demonstrators, once again members of the press were attacked. One NUJ press photographer sustained a broken arm
By a Police baton in Threadneedle Street
Whilst in a different location another tog ended up with torn wrist ligaments and a battered leg
There were many other journalists who suffered injuries, who will fail to lodge a complaint with the IPCC, no doubt under the impression it would be a waste of time as there were no witnesses or the injuries were minor, or they just plainly have no faith in complaints being upheld
But others petrified that they may be fingered by the boys in blue at a later date, loose City clients, or be excluded from their beloved Labour Party Conferences, repeat to themselves the self deceiving puerile mantra of impartiality, and cling to the pretence they have done their duty as observers, and thus by their silence they hope to buy security, whilst knowing, blind their eyes to collapsing Liberty
One group of photographers spoke out about being illegally detained by Bank tube station and threatened with arrest under section 14 of the Public Order Act
The Metropolitan Police later apologized

Hmmmm…. big of you Commander Bob, ‘bout as useful as skuze bucket Blair asking the electorate to draw a line under his illegal invasion of Iraq and move on!
One member of a group of students who were photographing the event, was subject to a snatch squad raid just before the rest of the group were filtered out of the kettle and charged with vandalizing the Tin Man on a Donkey (Wellington statue) Resulting in a night in the lockup and confiscation of camera and equipment (as its claimed it contains a record of the crime) was released with the following bail conditions applying: restricted from entering the City Of London and the Newham borough.
There was also claims on the net (from the usual armchair know alls who were never there) that the lad with the head injury bleeding profusely had self harmed himself to obtain five minutes of fame
It’s clearly not the case as Photos 2, 3 & 4 show on Terence Bunch’s blog clearly show

Copyright Stalingrad O'Neill - permission is required for third party usage
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