8.50pm 1st April - London Bridge Riot Police still blocking entry to City
11am 2nd April - Royal Exchange, Workman removing graffiti with high pressure
11.10 am Threadneedle Street, citizens held by COL Police for Stop and Search
11.10 am Threadneedle Street, COL Police body search citizen
11.31 am COL Cops writing up their notes
12.03 am RBS Building Bartholomew La Glazing contractors in attendance
5.59 pm Adding comments and tributes to the Wall
"No Democracy Wall" - Ian Tomlinson Memorial
Wall close-up Threadneedle St side
Wall facing Bank Tube (Exchange Entrance)
People reading tributes and messages
6.45 pm Protester by Exchange Tube (Bank) Entrance
Group of protesters sitting on the Exchange steps
I didn't actually witness the police prevention of the protest against Ian Tomlinson's death nor did I know much about it till the evening of the 2nd April, for as I have already documented at about 12.30 pm I followed the passing "The Young Peoples March For Jobs" to the ExCel and did not return to Bank till around 5.30pm.
It was then there I discovered that the hoarding put up to protect some monument outside the exchange had been turned into a 'No Democracy Wall' and memorial to Ian Tomlinson
The circumstances leading to the death of Mr. Tomlinson remained sketchy in my mind, for some days helped in part by media reports only too willing to accept police concocted versions of the events, and dismiss eye witness’ accounts as mistaken or misguided, However the flood of footage of the event has prompted even the most diehard blue surge media defender to backtrack and howl for an inquiry! Independent and above reproach...some hope!
Three videos that are now in the public domain prove eye witness’ accounts given just after the sickening unprovoked attack by a TSG police officer on passer-by Ian Tomlinson as accurate and that the Met as usual engaged in an attempt to cover up the truth
Both of the assault and their prevention and interference in the subsequent first aid offered by bystanders
A woman attending to Mr Tomlinson and giving him first aid, is seen to be manhandled and removed, whilst officers refuse to speak to ambulance personnel a man on a phone has contacted
clip link of police assault (1st Video):

clip link fresh angle on attack:

clip link backs witnesses' claims and contradicts police account:

Do you think that timid toothless excuse for a watchdog the IPCC will come up with more than the usual whitewash in their independent criminal inquiry?
But I can bet you this it will be even more reason why the Bill will want to restrict the use of cameras by the public and press
Copyright Stalingrad O'Neill - permission is required for third party usage
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