Pity you can't be yourself working for this lowlife company that murders your individuality, makes money out of war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan as well as serving dirty animal molestors isn't it?
Out came the siren which seemed to send workers scurrying for cover inside DHL from what we could see.
Let's see ... Huntingdon Life Sciences, Newchurch Guinea pig farm, Sequani Laboratories, Covance laboratories and Wickham laboratories are all busy paying DHL to deliver and collect from them on a regular basis. How many fingers in how many dirty pies?! This courier company needs to be paid serious attention.
Megaphone speeches went on and on for over an hour explaining once again to DHL that animal experiments are cruel. barbaric and an unjustified waste of time and lives and that the human death toll due to the ingestion of unsafe animal tested drugs is unacceptable by anyone's standards.
Workers got it in the neck when they arrived back at the depot, customers were informed of the vicious cruelty that DHL support, leaflets put on every vehicle in the vicinity. A cop van arrived to make sure that the deviants inside DHL were ok, they kept their distance but added to it all.
Until next time DH-HELL - we hope your ears are ringing with the truth and that you have rung your masters in Bonn, Germany to let them know what you are having to endure because of their orders.
Sever your ties with the vivisection industry or face the justice that compassionate members of the public dish out to uncompassionate money grabbing scum like yourselves.




Covance Campaign: