Hormando Vaca Diez leaves congress guarded by 2 groups of GES (dalmations [Special forces police and the name is due to their uniform!]) headed in the direction of the El Tejar barracks. Why a barracks?
- At around 4 in the afternoon, Cooperative miner Juan Coro of the cooperative ‘27th March’ was killed and 4 were shot and injured (among them Jose Alejo Quispe of the Unified Cooperative and Hernan Vilca Gallego of the Uncia cooperative) when the police (dalmations – GES - Special Security Group) intercepted a group of miners coming from Oruro and Potosi at Yotala, 7 km from the city of Sucre.
In the four corners of Plaza 25th May in Sucre, there are columns of miners, students and campesinos who are having a battle with the police. The cry of ‘killer’ is aimed at Vaca Diez. In Potosi the blockades increase.
The Senators and Deputies dispersed, and are returning under pressure from Sucre to their respective districts, the session of congress was officially suspended, there was no official announcement on what will happen in the next few hours. Meanwhile, campesinos are gathering around the airport to prevent Senators and Deputies leaving.
In La Paz, various groups are regrouping around Plaza San Francisco. They held a symbolic funeral to the cooperative miner who died [see incredible pictures at

Organisations and Social Movements continue to mobilise in the city of Sucre and on the highways that lead to Sucre.
In Cochabamba Armed forces have been seen to mobilise.
In El Alto, locals confirm that troops are arriving from Tiguina. Another truck drove past with troops destined for Rio Seco, the locals improved the blockade, and now no one is going to get past.
Translation Notes:
The pictures can not be missed, go to

Campesinos are farmers.